Year 9 Cultural Food

Subject Prospectus - Technology

Are you interested in the world around you?  Do you have a passion for food? This subject will provide you with the opportunity to identify and learn about various cultural and social influences on our lives through the kitchen. 

What will I learn?

During this unit students will learn about the food of cultures around the world. They will start at home with Australian foods - both Indigenous ingredients and foods influenced by the early settlers. Next is Asia with it's reliance on rice and a diversity in the use of spices, then across to Europe and a focus on their use of batters. Students are then free to explore the world as they work through the stages of the design process to provide the class with an experience of the food of their selected country. As we travel home a quick stop in the Americas and home for damper.

What will I do?

Through working in a safe and hygienic manner, students will use various cooking techniques and international ingredients to produce an array of dishes. This will allow for the  gaining of useful practical skills and knowledge that are applied to problem-solving techniques  in the course of their work, students will gain an understanding of life in other countries of the world and the factors that influence their decision-making.

Students need to participate in the range of practical activities that support the learning throughout this unit.

What will this lead to?

From this study students develop confidence in their skills to choose from the variety of year 10 Food electives and VCE Food Studies. The concepts covered in this unit are strongly linked to Year 11 Food Studies.

These skills are skills that can be applied to life, work or further studies.

Why choose this subject?

Duration:  3 periods per week for one semester

Head of Art/Technology: Maree Brennan