VCE French

Second Language

Subject Prospectus - Languages


This study develops students’ ability to understand and use a language that is widely learned internationally and also provides students with a direct means of access to the rich and varied culture of francophone communities around the world. Studying a language other than English contributes to the overall education of students in the areas of communication, cross-cultural understanding, cognitive development, literacy and general knowledge. In 2021 units one and two students will be following the current VCAA study design which was updated in 2019.


Unit 1:  In this unit students develop an understanding of the language and culture/s of French-speaking communities through the study of three or more topics from the prescribed themes. Each area of study in the unit must focus on a different subtopic. Students access and share useful information on the topics and subtopics through French and consolidate and extend vocabulary and grammar knowledge and language skills. They focus on analysing cultural products or practices including visual, spoken or written texts.

Unit 2:  In this unit students develop an understanding of aspects of language and culture through the study of three or more topics from the prescribed themes. Each area of study must focus on a different subtopic. Students analyse visual, spoken and written texts. They access and share useful information on the topics and subtopics through French and consolidate and extend vocabulary, grammar knowledge and language skills. 

Units 3 and 4:  The areas of study comprise themes and topics, grammar, text types, vocabulary and various styles of writing. In these units students reflect in depth on cultural products and practise of value to them. Students should be able to express ideas through the production of original texts, analyse and use information from spoken, written texts and viewed texts, that reflect aspects of the language and culture of French-speaking communities. They explore these skills through the prescribed communities, global and contemporary societies and the personal world. 


French is designed for students who will, typically, have studied French for at least 400 hours at the completion of Year 12. It is possible, however, that some students with less formal experience will also be able to meet the requirements successfully. Students must also undertake Unit 3 prior to undertaking Unit 4.


Unit 1 and 2:  Individual school decision on levels of achievement.

Unit 3 and 4: 

*A single grade is awarded

Contact Time:

Lessons per week: 5 periods

Subject duration: Year Long

Further information:

Head of Languages:  Tess Lynch

French at Warrnambool.mp4