Year 7 English

Subject Prospectus - English

All students undertake a common course in English. It allows students to make sense of the human experience by examining ideas expressed in text types and written comments. 

What will I learn?

Students learn to analyse a range of texts including novels, non-fiction and film. To support differentiation in reading, students engage in a 'Fully Booked' at-level reading program. They build a foundation of analytical skills and a critical understanding about the ways writers and speakers control language to influence their listeners, readers and viewers. Skills built include text study, narrative writing and persuasion.

English develops students’ ability to:

What will I do?

The study of English involves students reading, viewing, listening, writing, creating, researching and talking about different text types, from those dealing with straight forward information to increasingly complex and abstract issues and ideas. Students are encouraged to explore the meaning of texts and how that meaning is conveyed, to develop critical and analytical thinking.

What will this look like?

5 Lessons per week for the year

Head of English: Kelly Brown