Year 10 Fabrics into Patterns

Subject Prospectus - Technology


During this unit students will expand their learning on sewing with both machine and hand stitching techniques from Year 9 Fabrics 101 or allow students to learn a new skill. 

What will I learn?

Students will learn the skills to use a sewing machine and to read a pattern to build practical problem solving skills and independent sewing skills. They will explore the evolution of a garment across a selected period of history and the factors that influence design. Layered over this is research into body shape and skin tone to impact fabric colour choice. Sewing skills will be extended through learning how to sew on a button and possibly a buttonhole and/or zip in a clothing garment. Sustainability and ethical issues in the textiles industry will be investigated to help develop informed consumers when making personal clothing choices. 

What will I do?

Students will use their learnt knowledge and skill to construct a series of skill development tasks ranging from a mouse pin cushion, recycled fabric item to cushion covers. Through reading a pattern students will use a pattern based on ability and prior experience to make a garment to suit their body shape and skin tone. The skill of incorporating such items as darts, zips or buttonholes must be applied in the pattern choices, along with a selection of seam types to best suit the material and type of item being made.

The students will apply the steps of the design process to work at their individual level to produce at least one unique item of basic clothing that best suit them. 

What will this lead to?

Skills and knowledge gained during this unit can be the start to a great hobby or compliment a passion for fashion. This course leads into VCE Product Design & Technology with a focus on fabrics as the material.

Why choose this subject?


5 periods per week for one semester

Head of Art/Technology: Maree Brennan