Sarah Marengo


FIN: 01/07/2022

Semana I (08/may/2022)


Here we are, it has begun. When we started the online training a week ago, I was so excited, curious and impatient.

We arrived here, all together on Wednesday, so many smiling faces to greet, stories to learn about and skills to acquire.

"Stop, take a breath".

A person very important to me used to say, "Stop, take a breath, look around and realize what we are doing here and how amazing it is." She said that during our Erasmus and thanks to her I have the most amazing memories of it, she kept me in the moment.

I like to do yoga and meditation here, every morning because it reminds me of this principle: breath, be in the moment. Time passes, the past is gone, and one day it will be a beautiful memory. The future is not here yet, you will deal with it when the time comes.

Being on a campsite, having the opportunity to see the sea after a day's work, being with such interesting people, and learning something new every day: I am so grateful.

Semana II (08/may/2022)

Tres palabras 

Last Wednesday we finally arrived in Barcelona, we left the calm nature bubble of Pineda de Mar and we arrived in the colorful big city.

So many things to do!The festival started two days later, and I have to say, it tested my limits, as all the first times it was scary but also exciting. I had the luck to have the best team mate by my side (love you Diogo) that supported me in some stressful times.

In the interviews to the artists we were used to ask three words and emotions to describe their experience in the festival, mine are: limits, friendship and arte!

Semana III (15/may/2022)

Hard goodbyes

We spent the last free days together, discovering Barcelona and laughing in our favourite spot in front of the hostel.

I tried to enjoy these last days together to the fullest, I lived  Barcelona as a tourist, before starting, hopefully, one day, to live it like a local.

Walking around in beautiful parks is the thing I liked the most. I was very curious to live in such a big and alive city but I have to admit, I miss being in nature.

Goodbyes day, after such an intense experience was not easy. Now I focus on the excitement of a new adventure, living in the house, discovering Barcelona and working with Tudanzas!

Semana IV (22/may/2022)

The skies I'm under

Now that the preparations for the festival and the festival itself passed and the group-project volunteers left, we started to work in Tudanzas office.

It's like "real life" has begun. We have online meetings with our coordinator every morning and we are starting to build a routine: between yoga mornings and late afternoons activities with the associations from our neighborhood.

Last Thursday I went for a walk after work and I saw Barcelona under a new light, a beautiful sunset light.

I would not call it a real routine yet, but given the time to adjust to this new life i'm sure everything will be okay and, quoting a very nice song, "I will learn to love the skies I'm under".

Semana V (29/may/2022)

Normal life

Now that we got in a routine we have more time to visit places and enjoy Barcelona.

I often go for a walk after work and often we enjoy the light of the sunset from the beach. I love to visit places, especially during the week when there are not many tourits around.

On Monday we went to a concert without having planned it and it has been a great experience.

We are also getting used to the job at the office and we support and help each other most of the times.

I feel more calm and relaxed now and I am enjoying this period of “normal life" in an extraordinary experience.

Semana VI (05/junio/2022)

Let's go sailors!

The journey proceeds under full sail, between a travelers meet up and a train trip to the seaside, looking for less crowded beaches, (spoiler alert, we did not find any).

At work, we are currently busy organizing the project of Arte en Comun and the Fiesta major, that will take place at the end of June. The theme is "The Hiberic Linx" and trough the art of origami we will raise awareness on the risk of extinction of this animal.

For this project we are going to do the activity in the beautiful Hortet del Forat, a common garden in the city centre, where we have been spending every Tuesday learning a lot about plants and meeting very interesting people

Full speed ahead! Between a glass of Sangria and late afternoons helping in the Hortet.

Semana VII (12/junio/2022)

Let it happen

Wow, what a week full of events!

Last weekend S. visited me and we went together to the Primavera Sound Festival, what a dream to see live The Strokes, my favorite band, and soundtrack of longs walks in Barcelona! We saw many other great bands and artists, it has been such a intense week-end!

The week pretty much followed this pattern, with lots of conversations at the beach after work, watching the sunset and beautiful lights on the sea. 

It has also been the time to say more goodbyes to our colleagues volunteers, but we have great memories together that I'll cherish forever.

The preparations for our project Arte en comun are progressing well, we had a lot of fun creating Linco, our mascotte!

We also had a very interesting end of the week, helping during the project of Rutas Invisibles, a comunitary project to connect with the stories of immigrant people.


Semana VIII (19/junio/2022)


So close to the end, less then 10 days to the departure and the fatigue begins to be felt. All the emotions, the thoughts and the experiences of these two months come to surface.

We spent most of our time and energy in preparing our first laboratory, the Arte en comun activity and we are very excited about it. 

Beautiful places that I visited this past week: The inside of Sagrada Familia, Parc del Laberint d'Horta, an oasis of peace in the chaotic big city and the Hospital de Sant Pau.

Now, let the final sprint begin!

Semana IX (26/junio/2022)

Me voy

Here we go, I thought many times at this very moment, the moment of my departure

I feel like is the right moment to leave, this experience gave me all it could give me and viceversa.

Last week's Arte en comun activity went great, the people met at the Hortet are very nice and kind and helped a lot troughs our presentation in Spanish.

A trip to the wonderful Sitges and to Tibidabo closed our last week-end in Barcelona. It's time to head on new adventures, with a heavier luggage, full of laughter and happiness, long conversations in front of an hostel, new awareness, beach nights, tears and stressful moments,  beautiful sights, Spanish vocabulary, and video editing skills.

Grateful for everything, for the good and the bad, for the friendships along the way and for myself, still the best travel buddy I could ask for.

Ad Maiora! Or, as it would be in Spanish, ¡Ad Maiora!  ;)