Inicio:  6/06/2021

Final: 26/06/2021

Valerio Bompadre from Ancona - Italy

virtual formation pre-departure

Hey Dragon dreamers:

Welcome into the Jungle!  dia 06 - 13

Welcome into the jungle everybody!

Break down your expectation and get into real action! Team building and co-creating: Dragon Dreaming! Team Identity processing and task assesment. Setting the foundation of the upcoming... relying on us & trusting the work in process!

Setting it up & Beta start dia 14 - 16 

We are getting closer to the Festival and it's time to place together the pieces of the puzzle. Just two days are left so we keep it up, every team in its way, finalizing the last things to do. Emotion is rising up! 

dia 17 - First Day - Convent de Sant Augustì

There we are in the first day of the Festival and surprisingly stuff happens! What could seem just a planning is actually enrolling: artists performing, people coming, we handling the situation! A wake up call and nice "beta day"... getting inside the Festival!

TDZ's core: expressions into the Barrio dia 18 - 19

The Social Festival arrives into the Barrio with the main scene in "Plaza Sant Pere" the heart of "Casc Antic", the oldest "Barrio" (quarter) of Barcelona; the secondary scene is in Palau Alòs where most of the cultural activities take place.

People stop by attracted by something from a long time unsual: live performances! Is very gratifing saying the happiness and relief into the partecipant's eyes.

The situation is slower on the morning and rised up on the evening, but definetely always intense!

Processando e Celebrando! dia 20 - 26

It's time to rest after the intense hard-work and process what just happened that flew without even noticing, as usually occur when living intensly!

Experience evaluation, learned realization and future collaboration hope... 

taking the best out of it, as individuals and as an overall collective...

Might the experience enrich every partecipants, 

Might an hidden treasure sparkle into deep consciences...

Might you shine beauty of freedom in art, movement and being!

Thanks everyone 🙏 

Megan Zutt

Week 1: Hola todos. This week was a very interesting week for me. In my daily life I am a very practical thinker who is structural and efficient. However, this week, for example during dragon dreaming, I learned another way of thinking and to collaborate with different kinds of people with different kinds of ideas and preferences. Coming up together with a plan using this other way of thinking is something I feel like I can only learn from.

Apart from that, the week was also interesting as it was all about sharing your emotions. This is pretty new for me as normally this is not something I do very often on this level. I also dont really take the time to really listen to my need and/or to talk about things that bother me (I am sorry astronomy lovers I guess I am not the typical cancer). So to have this opportunity to share your emotions if you want to is cool. Even though I still feel like it is hard to actually know how I am feeling about certains things or to put it into words, I do feel like I can share my thoughts in this group if I want to and it feels good to have this opportunity.

Besides this I am having a very great time in Barcelona and I am excited to see how the festival is going to work out and how the relations in the group will develop.

Week 2: Hola! the second week passed and it was pretty intense, both physically and mentally. On the one hand I had a great time and a lot of fun during the festival. On the other hand I did not have time to do the small things in life like going to the supermarket, do laundry, call my mom and sleep propely. And I do notice the impact of this. Like everyone, I also sometimes need some time for myself and I did not have that in a long time. And that is okay because it has been the best time hanging out with all of you guys but that is what makes it a bit intense for me I think. But in general I am still feeling very good and excited to be here in Barcelona! 

Week 3: I will also already upload my blog for the third week as it is almost already past. At least, the work is done. Now it is time to enjoy the last days together, the festival of San Juan and just the city in general. I really want to go out for dinner with everyone guys and just enjoy each others company and some good food! It was nice that this week was a bit less intense and that we had a bit of time to be tourists again. I know that this is not the purpose of our visit to Barcelona, but well, we are still in Barcelona. So lets make this week and these last few days count! I just want to say I feel very lucky I met all of you guys and hopefully we will see each other in the future. Muchas gracias!

Anna Caramel


Como nunca en mi vida, me encuentro ahora a perder uno de mis afectos más cercanos: las palabras. Ya antes de llegar en Barcelona el lunes, estuve pensando en cuanto el cambio de idioma afecta nuestra manera de elaborar informaciones, tanto porque el lenguaje es el líquido en que nuestra mente nata (y si esto cambia, cambia todo), cuanto porque menos palabras significan menos pensamientos. Por esta motivación, esencialmente, confío muchísimo en el crear y reivindicar nuestras palabras: porque más palabras son más oportunidades, hay simplemente más líquido en que nuestra mente puede nadar. No puedo mentir: tenía miedo, no tanto de no conseguir una manera de comunicar con lxs otrxs (que siempre se encuentra), pero de no tener bastantes palabras para pensar como yo quería. El miedo de no poder pensar lucidamente, de no conseguir a elaborar pensamientos completos, complejos y precisos, siempre me sigue. Al mismo tiempo sé que tampoco es la única manera en la cual elaboro y hago evolucionar las informaciones, porque siempre mi pensamiento lógico y verbal está acompañado y sostenido de un proceso visual y no-verbal. Confundir los límites de la realidad con los del lenguaje verbal es peligroso, y por esto es tan importante no dejar solas nuestras palabras, así que puedan ser rellenadas y rodeadas de todo lo que no puede ser verbalizado. Si todo esto lo tengo claro (desde siempre, de alguna manera), nunca tenía el coraje de perderlas completamente, para dejar espacio solamente al no-verbal. Sin posesividad, pero de mi pensamiento y mis palabras le tengo cuidado. Pero en un rato, aquí, me encontré a perderla todas. ¿Como puedo enfrentarme al mundo y a mi mismx sin poder "pensar"? ¿Que pasa cuando perdemos este líquido en que estamos acostumbradxs a nadar? Si desde un lado estuve listx y sabía que tenía que pasar, tampoco puedo decir que no me ha sorprendido cuando empezó a pasar de verdad. Perder significa también dejar espacio: si algo viene menos, está también dejando libres espacios en nosotres: tenemos solamente que entrar en estos espacios vacíos, y ver que pasa allá. Así que, disfrutando y experimentando de estos nuevos canales y campos en que ahora puedo (y podemos todes) cultivar algo nuevo y diferente, llegó el momento de declarar la huelga irreversible del silencio. ¿Al final, porque no? Hay así tanto espacio aquí, sin palabras.


Si no elegimos el cuerpo en que nacer, como podemos llamar "mujer" todes les que se encuentran a sangrar? Nunca elegimos el lugar, las condiciones y las situaciones en que nacer, elegimos luego si quedarnos o no donde nos encontramos. Entrar en contacto con mi cuerpo - en este proyecto tanto cuanto cada mes teniendo reglas - me hace dar cuenta del espacio en que me encuentro, pero siempre fue un lugar donde yo me encuentro, no un espacio que yo soy. Poderse sentir presente en el cuerpo lleva consigo el privilegio de estar en el cuerpo que eres y te sientes. Desde pequeñe el acto de la asignacion del nombre - y entonces de mi sexo y genero - marcó un camino de expectativas y asunciones que me enlazaban al universo femenino sin que nunca lo hubiera elegido. En una cultura profundamente esencialista en un sentido sexo-genérico (que asume el enlace directo entre sexo binario femenino y masculino al genero binario de mujer y hombre) nos sale muy difícil intentar a desconectar el cuerpo y sus características de su connotación de genero, pero me pareció la única manera de sobrevivir en un cuerpo que me hacia ser reconocide como mujer. "Si acepto de tener cuerpo femenino también sin ser mujer, todo va a quedar bien, no?" . Pues, no. Hasta ahora, este "no" tiene dos razones fundamentales: la primera es que si yo lo hago esto no significa que lo van a hacer también les otres, y solo por tener pecho y vagina siempre voy a ser llamade y asumide como mujer, y esto molesta. Llamar a alguien chica o chico es un acto de habla que connota y asume un genero, y no deja espacio a todo lo que está en el medio de este binarismo, ni a la personal afirmación del quien somos y nos sentimos. La segunda razón es que entre sexo biológico y genero (que no tiene nada que ver con características físicas) hay también lo que nos esperamos ser nuestro cuerpo. Porque tendría que encontrarme mal en el cuerpo femenino si sé que mi genero no tiene enlace con esto? Porque necesitamos hackerar nuestros cuerpos si nuestra identidad va mucho mas allá de genitales? Porque lo que no coincide y me hace sentir incomode en mi cuerpo no es mi identidad de genero en relación a mi sexo: es lo que mi alma y mi mente se esperan ser mi cuerpo. La intima visualización que tengo de mi cuerpo no coincide con la realidad material. Esto es lo que Silvia Serano llamó sexo subconsciente.

Como puedo sentir que este espacio en que estoy es un espacio que yo soy? Puedo, pero es un acto de hacking y intervención. Es un paso activo, mi acto de habla que crea una realidad, semejante al asignación de sexo al nacimiento. Pero ahora yo decido, yo digo. Mi nombres y mis pronombres. Ahora, ahora que soy yo, ni hombre ni mujer. Ahora que soy persona, ahora.

Ilaria Argenziano

Antes de empezar esta experiencia, no tenía en mente qué esperar. La idea de un entorno intercultural me atraía, por supuesto, así como un espacio dedicado al arte y a la creación. Lo que no esperaba era otra cosa. Me sorprendió mucho ver que nuestras actividades estaban relacionadas con el barrio. Creo que las actividades que preferí fueron caminar por la ciudad buscando materiales, los ensajos rojos, o cualquier otra cosa que me permitiera estar en contacto con la ciudad.

En cuanto a mi forma de vivir esta experiencia, puedo decir que, al menos durante esta primera semana, todavía tengo la necesidad de asentarme. Creo que me será más fácil expresarme sobre esto un poco más allá, cuando haya metabolizado mejor mis experiencias y esté más dispuesta a compartirlas.

"El tiempo dirá", Así se dice, ¿no?

Veremos a dónde me lleva esta ruta... Hasta entonces, nos vemos el lunes :)

1 Semana

2 Semana

 Esta semana ha sido muy difícil. Me alegro de haber tenido la oportunidad de seguir de cerca los preparativos para un festival, y he disfrutado mucho algunas actuaciones, geniales "La porteña y los piratas".

Hay muchas cosas que no me convencen, pero esperaré hasta el final de esta experiencia para extraer las conclusiones de este camino.

3 Semana

El viaje está terminando. Como siempre, lo que me llevaré conmigo son los momentos cotidianos que he pasado con las personas que he conocido aquí. La paseas rápido para llegar a la asociación, las comidas juntas, la música en la playa y las cervezas en el búnker…

Sólo puedo agradecer la oportunidad que me habéis dado y lo que me habéis hecho vivir.

Gracias a todos, les deseo buena suerte en cualquier proyecto futuro! 

Y… Hasta la próxima :)

Valentina Monitillo

First week

The first week has gone. Normally time flies so fast, but this time, in this experience, I'm really trying to enjoy and live to the fullest every little moment. 

The first three days haven't been so easy. But I know me, it happens every time I'm facing something new: the excitment I have before leaving, leaves the space to the anxiety and to the feeling of inadequacy. I know that I have just to wait a couple of day to let these feelings go but everytime I feel like if I will not succeed.   But also this time has happened, those weird and unconfortable feelings left, letting the energy and the positive vibe coming.

I really think that Yoga helped me to pass faster this transition, or better, to face those feeling with another approach.

I'm really grateful for what I'm leaving and I think that the best is yet to come!!!! :))) 

Second week

Ha pasado otra semana y esta aventura está llegando a su fin.

Siempre he pensado que cuando te acostumbras a las cosas, cuando empiezas a sentirte cómodo en casa, cuando el aire que respiras se convierte en el perfume que siempre quieres oír, es cuando las experiencias terminan, cuando el telón se apaga, y todo sigue siendo un recuerdo.

De esta experiencia me llevaré con la solidaridad y la sinceridad que he encontrado en los ojos de mis compañeros de viaje, el viaje espiritual que he emprendido y que estoy segura no terminará con esta experiencia.

Vuelvo a casa con la certeza de haber añadido algo a mi bagaje cultural y de haber vivido una experiencia que difícilmente podré olvidar.

Third week

Fall in love.

If you don't fall in love it's all dead.

You have to fall in love and everything becomes alive, everything moves.

Squander the joy, squander the joy.

Be sad and taciturn with exuberance.

Make people blow happiness in their faces.

To convey happiness, one must be happy and to convey pain, one must be happy.

Be happy.

You have to suffer, feel bad, suffer.

Don't be afraid to suffer. The whole world is suffering.

And if you do not succeed, you do not have the means, do not worry, just to make poetry one thing is necessary: ​​everything.

And don't look for the novelty. Novelty is the oldest thing there is.

And if the verse doesn't come to you from this position, from this, from this way, throw yourself on the ground, put yourself like this.

The sky can be seen from lying down. Look what a beauty, why didn't I get there first ?!

What are you looking at? Poets don't look, they see.

Let the words obey you.

If the word is “wall” and “wall” doesn't listen to you, don't use it anymore for eight years, so learn!

This is the beauty, like those lines there that I want to be written there forever...

Come on, delete everything!

Time to come back home but with other words and lines written in the book of my soul <3


Bárbara Núncio Calçada 

It's been a really challenging time. Here things work in a very different way than I work in my day-to-day life at home. But I'm learning to adapt myself to this new environment.

Everything is about togetherness and connection. 

Não é sobre a forma como interpretas a mensagem, mas sim sobre a intenção de quem a transmite.

Filipe Di Martino Serafim Conceição Santos 

Don't worry about a thing/ Cause every little thing gonna be all right

Rise up this morning / Smiled with the rising sun / Three little birds 

Pitch by my doorstep / Singing sweet songs / Of melodies pure and true

Saying / This is my message to you

Na minha segunda semana aqui, após um período de difícil adaptação encontrei a estabilidade pela qual tanto anseava, fruto das tribulações da semana anterior. Aprendi a deixar-me ir, ver para onde o dia me levava e a não questionar o que me dizem. O meu sentido autocrítico deu lugar à obediência, tornando-me eu mesmo mais uma unidade, parte deste mecanismo no qual todos fomos inseridos. Se me sacrifiquei enquanto indivíduo por um objetivo maior, não sei. Se foi ou não pelo melhor, estou também ainda para descobrir.  

 Está assim prestes a terminar a minha 1ª experiência fora do meu país de origem, a viver por minha conta própria. Apesar de tudo, julgo ter sido uma experiência que me fez crescer e da qual não me arrependo. Foi um crescimento algo auto infligido, sem grandes apoios ou ajudas, sendo que é apenas justo fazer um agradecimento aos meus colegas voluntários, que me ajudaram a superar os momentos mais complicados, quer com um pequeno almoço ou jantar partilhado, quer com um simples desabafo. Julgo que esta vivência me fez compreender a tão afamada premissa " It's not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life. It is how you handle what happens to you". Também a famosa citação do ícone cinematográfico Rocky encaixa aqui como uma luva "It ain’t about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward."

Marianna Savarese

First week

The first week went by, and I still have a lot of thoughts to process. We've been overwhelmed by the tasks from the very first day and, even if I honestly believe that the yoga sessions and the Rojo Tabù rehearsals are very useful and powerful, I think that I need more time to elaborate my feelings and to share them with others. I ask you to respect my time and my way to deal with my emotions. I will have a bigger picture of the whole experience in the next days :)


“You have power over your mind―not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”  ―Marcus Aurelius


This week is all about the connection we found among the group of volunteers: the amount of kindness, intelligence and energy that we share is priceless, especially after this pandemy taught us to stay away from the others. This is what I'm most grateful for. Thank you guys :) 

Alessandro Oggioni

First week

I feel like a chair in an elevator.

Second week

I feel like a lentil under a mattress

Third week

I discovered that the wind is not a brake but a push, you just have to turn.

Sometimes we forget the presence of the randomness of events, and that it is not good to expect anything. That our will is nothing in front of  the uncertainty of fate. The leaves taught me to let myself go to the wind ... maybe they are right.

Berkay Aktas

Hola todos,

Que tal? I hope all of you're pretty cool as much as i'm. The first week has passed, and here i'm.. writing my weekly blog. First of all i gotta say that this has been so fast already! I didn't understand or realize how the first week passed. But at the same time if i should be honest I've mixture of feelings actually. This week has been so fast&slow at the same time. I feel like i'm with this people for a month. If i had to use a word for this experience, i would use "intense". After all of that. I feel like this has been great for me. Not because Ana might read, it's because everything we do here -connection, yoga, meditation, rojo tabu, art, dance, imagination etc- are new for me. And it helps me a lot about developing myself.  It helps me a lot about seeing new&different version of myself. I dont know.. I'll be updating this every week. So we'll be in touch to see my development as imagination.Thank you for all.


Halo todos again,

I've no idea what to write or what to say, It has been so intense week. It has been tough sometime, it has been awesome sometime.. I can feel the connection between the people, i can feel the support, i can feel how they feel or what they think. I feel secure. Before i came here, i wanted to meet new people, i wanted to gain new perspectives and here i'm. I've achieved my goal. I'm lucky with all of these people, i'm lucky with being here. I feel like the elevator which there's chair inside. THANKKKK YOUUUU FOR ALLLLLL. 



 Hola Todos for the last time,

Just "Damnn" would be enough to express my feelings actually. But after the three weeks we spent all together, i needed to write something.. Thank you for all, thank you for  being part of my life, thank you for showing me your worlds, your souls. Thank you for making me see the life from all your perspectives. Thank you for your energy with me. Thank you for being kind with me, thank you for cooking me, thank you for waking up to my alarms, thank you for having fun with me. It was just amazing with all of you. Thank you.

Also thank you Tudanzas, for this experience, for teaching me the life, for taking me out of my comfort zone. I learnt a lot from you. I learnt how to be part of a team. Also thank you for believing me most of the times. I hope and i worked hard to not let any of you down and i put my heart on it. I hope Tudanzas could feel my heart y my energy.  I've no regrets when i look back and i really hope you also don't have any regrets with me. 

"Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer could make. You have to feel." 


Maria Teresa Porcedda 

Week 1

As an owl, I need more time to observe. 

Week 2

The weekend of the Festival has been very intense and there have been times when I wanted to run away. I don't always like to share what I feel... sometimes I like to just keep it inside. Sometimes I just need more time to express myself. During the Festival I felt amazed by certain performances, I missed live shows. On Saturday,  I almost cried for had the opportunity to can watch them again. The struggle has been expelled by the amazement in front of great performances and thanks to great company.   Art is connexion and energy. 

Last week

I am very grateful for this experience. Being able to observe a new reality this close is a bit like living a new life. Thank you for dancing with me. Thank you for the songs we sang and the walks we took together. Thank you for the sunrises and the sunsets.

Now, let's make these last days in Barcelona legendary yup!

Ciao e grazie!

Cláudia Sofia Vagarinho Da Silva 

Eu sabia desde o início, muito antes de chegar a Barcelona, que não queria apenas participar num projeto de voluntariado. Eu procurava, ao mesmo tempo, uma experiência de vida. E a primeira semana mostrou-se ser um verdadeiro teste. Foi uma mistura de fraqueza com força. Nas primeiras 24/36 horas pensei que não aguentaria os 20 dias, mas da noite para o dia mudei o chip e agarrei-me a tudo aquilo que me fez sair de casa e viajar mais de 1000 kms para aqui estar. A primeira semana foi uma semana de crescimento, porque me senti no fundo, mas é ao batermos no fundo que temos a oportunidade de ganhar embalagem para vir à superficie. Quando voltei a respirar senti-me encorajada para, de mente aberta, transformar os meus limites em liberdade. Não basta apenas ter pernas, há que saber caminhar.

Gostaria de descrever e resumir a minha segunda semana em Barcelona com uma citação do filme Into the Wild (2007): "Make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity and conservation. All of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun. If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy. But once you become accustomed to such a life you will see its full meaning and its incredible beauty. You are wrong if you think joy emanates only or principally from human relationships. God has placed it all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience. We just have to have the courage to turn against our habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living. My point is that you do not need me or anyone else around to bring this new kind of light in your life. It is simply waiting out there for you to grasp it, and all you have to do is reach for it. The only person you are fighting is yourself and your stubbornness to engage in new circumstances." 

"Human behavior is less like a chicken and more like an albatross. No matter how far an albatross flies, it always returns home." Atypical (2017)