Mavi Rescina

INICIO: 5/09/2022

FIN: 20/02/2023


Semana I (06/09/2022)

Bienvenida a TUDANZAS

Hola! I arrived yesterday in Barcelona. When I was home, preparing my backpack and my stuffs  to come I felt so anxious. I asked to myself if I was doing the right thing. I was waiting for this since many time, because after my degree I only wanted to starting new experiences around the world, and when that moment arrived I was feeling scared. Maybe the idea of the unknown and to be out of my country for a long period of time (?). So when I was on the plane I see like a light in my head that makes me think that maybe rights and wrongs things in general doesn't exist, and all the experiences of our life can teach us something about us and about people, and the place where we live. I will remember the spontaneous smile on my mouth when landing, I read "Barcelona El Prat". I have to say that I have so much high expectations about this project because I've read and I've seen so many interesting things about Tudanzas, and this seems to be exactly the project wich I was looking for. But I don't want to think positive or negative things for now, just live and take all that this experience will keep for me. 

Semana II (16/09/2022)

This week too, I'm very excited about to stay here in Barcelona and to work with Tudanzas. Last Friday I randomly found a techno party. At the beginning I was a bit scared to go there alone because I'm new in this city and I don't have close friends for now. But after I went there, I really enjoyed the party and the people. I met a lot of people and we shared our life's experiences. Because of I love street markets, me and Eleni found one of them where I bought an amazing analog camera. This week was full of things to learn and to do. It was really intresting to learn about a lot of new programs that we usually need to work and I love to work in the Barrio de Sant Pere. I love this place because it reminds me the Spanish neighborhood in Naples, where you usually listen the music on the street from the balconies. Yesterday was Celentano! I was really happy to go to the hort this week. I took pommegranate from the tree because they were ready to eat, we ate them togheter and they were so sweet. A girl in the hort said me that next week in Barcelona will be "La Fiesta de la Mercè" and there will be a concert with Mannarino e Vinicio Capossela, and I can't believe at this :')

Semana III (23/09/2022)

Hola! Barcelona is becoming a lovely piece of my life :) I'm here since three weeks and I feel very hosted and welcome in this place. I feel not a tourist, I discover the city time by time and piece by piece finding shops, street markets and exploring in a curious way. This city deserves me a lot of surprises (and maybe I know how to attract them ;)). Also this last week, people from the hort suggest us a place, near our office, called Ca la Dona, and me and Eleni, really casually, went there for the "Equinoccio de otoño". All the ritual was on the rooftop of that building during sunset, and there was a really strong energy between us. We talked about the transformations between one season and another, and how this is linked to our body. At the end we hugged and I was really greatful to all of them and to have been there. Today I visited Els Encants and as always I bought a lot of 2nd hand clothes ahahah... I think that I will be often there. And Definitely I'm excited and I have really high espectations for today and for Mannarino's concert.

Semana IV (30/09/2022)

Hola! This was a wonderful week two. Everything started on the weekend, with these two concert I was talking the last week. My heart was litterally bursting. At the end of Mannarino's concert, became a terrible storm and we danced, until 3 in the night, all together under the rain. It was poetic. The day after was pretty quiet than the day before. I choose a place to sit under a tree, on the top of the arena and my view was perfect. It was a dream for me, for all the time. It often happened in Barcelona to listen to Vinicio's songs, and I could't believe to listen to them live. This week was full of passion and joy. As you can se we prepared the soil to put new plants, it was an hard work! I came home with a little gift: some fresh rucola from a really hold plant. The day after I went back to the other Hort that takes place in Ca la Dona. I met other women there and I had another gift: the lasts mini tomatoes. I think this food is really full of human energy. At Rutas, the guys said me that Isah left, maybe he's coming back to Ghana. I'm so sad about this, I always talked with him and I understood there was something weird in his eyes and his manners. I texted him to wish he finally will be fine. I hope it so, and it will be hard to go to Rutas without him. 

Semana V (07/10/2022)

Hola! I feel that summer is ending, and this make me so sad. I'm not ready for winter and I love this last shapes of sun during our daily break. This week is ending, and yesterday I went to the cinema and I joined the Fiesta del Cine 2022. I watched a documentary about David Bowie called "Moonage Daydream" for only 3.50 euros. This was a pretty quiet week. Some days ago we went to "Nevermind" an amazing pub with a place where to skate inside. We met a lot of people and we had fun in this place. Also during this week, my favourite activity was to plant some vegetables in the hort. I usually did this with my father and my granfather, when I was younger, so this reminded me about this. I was totally into the process, trying to give my energies and my vibes to these little plants.

Semana VI (14/10/2022)

Ok, first of all I've finally found a mirror on the streets and I was looking for this since when I arrived. And yesterday too I discovered two nice places to hang out. I really love informal old bars with chairs and tables outside, and that chill mood. Also another important thing happened this week. On Wednesday it was the Día de la Hispanidad, and at the hort we told about how much is no sense this celebration. A lot of South-american live in Spain and it's afraid to celebrate the murder of indigenous people and of their identities by the hand of spanish colonizer. For this reason some collectives organized a riot against colonialism and borders at the Columbus statue. The hort was funny too this week. In a really casual way, some kids came to help us to plant some new herbs and I was super happy to work with them. Maybe this week-end I'll go to Montserrat :)

Semana VII (22/10/2022)

This week was really hard for me. On saturday I felt down in a gym doing bouldering and I broke my arm a bit. These weeks were super fast and I loved it, because I'm super excited about to be here and I did a lot of things around the city. But now I need rest to not move my arm, and I need to wait some weeks to let it go better. I hate both things, to stay still and to be worried about my heath status. I know, I'm a bit drama queen in these moments, because I think that the worsts things could happen, I hate hospitals, and doctors and this stillnes but it's what I need now and I have to understand it. I know also that this event can teach me something, that could be an opportunity to do other things, but I know myself, I need my time to understand it, and I need to be a bit sad to discover the happiness in this sadness. Hope the next week will be better :)  

Semana IX-X (29-12/10/2022)

Hola!! It's a lot that I don't write here. Maybe I was not in the best mood for write something. Fortunatly in this time I had the opportunity to  live Rojo Tabù, this two weeks of workshop with Aurora and Ana, that gave me the strenght to feel better. It was a moment to think deeper about myself and a challenge for me, cause I was not feeling good with my arm. Was amazing to have a show with the other people, cause I felt really connected with them. After I went to Berlin for a week. It was finally a time to have fun and to meet people that I didn't see since a lot of time. It was a bit weird to go there again, because I reminded all the places where I went in the past and I felt Berlin a bit like an home for me. 

Semana XI (17-12/10/2022)

Hola!! This week was super fun and full of nice discoveries. Gabriel came here in Barcelona for some days and we had small trips in some places in Barcelona. First we went to Bunker, near my house in Guinardò, that's a place on the top of Horta (?! I think) where u can hang and you have a full view of Barcelona. Then we went to another mirador, called Mirador d'Horta, that was more nature than the other place, and we stayed there during sunset. Also I joined a Radio on the Rambla with Giu, Teresa and Eleni to talk about Mercado that will be this week-end. Another nice place I discover is "La revoltosa", a kind of autonomous place where took place an event about the right for everyone of have an house where to live. I'm a bit tired and I think will be hard to manage these next days, 'cause of Mercado, but it could be a nice challenge for me :) I'll let you know

Semana XII (29/11/2022)

This has been quite a difficult week for me. I was super stressed and I felt that I had a breakdown at the end of last week. I felt kind of insecure, both at home and in the office, and I didn't live it well. I became very emotional and irritable, and I let that manage my emotions. The team preferred that I not work these days, and during the weekend I returned to Italy. It was a precious and calm trip for me. I had my time to reflect and think, not alone but surrounded by the love of my people. This human contact reminded me of a light that radiates when everything is dark, that comes through the stained glass windows of medieval churches, and illuminates inside. I came back to B. feeling grateful and happy to be here, now, at this time in my life, where I am, doing what I do with the people I do it with. I just think I'm pretty critical, and I can't lie when I disagree with something, and a lot of times it's hard to deal with this attitude.

Semana XIII(02/12/2022)

December has arrived and with it also this fucking cold, which is why I am always looking for sunshine during the day. These are busy days here in Barcelona. A close friend of mine, Fede, who had never been here before, arrived yesterday and we are having the opportunity to share time here together. I think she is a great help to me right now, along with Giu, Tereza and Eleni and the other people I know here, as I don't feel very highly regarded by the team, or worse I feel that they think horrible things of me. I feel punished for trying to express how I felt and like this is an irreparable mistake. At the same time I am making an effort to keep calm, not fall into angry behaviors, and try to think twice before I speak. There will be a movie today, Persepolis, here in the barrio as part of Feminist November, and I'm can't wait to go there :)

Semana XIV(09/12/2022)

Hola! This week has been pretty light here because of the vacations. I took the opportunity to make another visit to the Sagrada Familia. Like the first time, it was magical and the voice of the audio guide brought me on this journey of a few hours inside this place. I am always surprised by the signs and symbols in this church, and each time I discover something new. For example, I discovered that the two turtles supporting the central columns are one from the sea, facing the sea, and one from land, facing the land. The situation in the office seems calm, I am trying to do my best to do my tasks and not replicate anything else. But I noticed that some very rude and offensive messages that had been sent to me in the slack group were deleted by the team, maybe 'cause it was realized that they were a bit excessive. I did not appreciate that when I asked for an explanation I was literally ignored. I hope someone can tell me more about that. 

Semana XIV(22/12/2022)

It's almost Christmas but this year is super weird. This is the first time that I as well as many of my friends are going back home during the Christmas season. I'm sad to leave Barcelona but at the same time it's been a long time since I've spent some time in Italy with my family and friends I haven't seen in a long time. I am looking forward to leaving for Berlin after Christmas and spending the beginning of the year there. I will miss my daily life here and the girls, however, I also have a lot of desire for some adventure. I will tell you next time how it went!

Semana XV(05/01/2023)

Bueno! Hoy voy a ententar de escribrir el Blog en Castellano. Las vacaciones son terminadas y empezamos de nuevo a trabajar con el equipo. Me doy cuenta que el proyecto està terminando y estoy un poquito triste de eso porque me gusta mucho estar aquì, vivir aquì, caminar por esta calle y cruzar los ojos de la gente mientras eschucho mùsica. Quiero aprender mucho de este idioma, y tambièn hablarlo màs. Creo que no està malo como he escribido hasta ahora, es solo que tengo miedo de decir algo de incorrecto como siempre cuando se aprende un nuevo lenguaje. Quizas!

Semana XVI(13/01/2023)

¡Hola! No fue una buena experiencia ver a Olga llorando y triste en la oficina. Me doy cuenta que soy muy sensible como ella y soy en un espacio donde no se respeta la sensibilidad y la salud mental. En cualquier caso, le he enviado mucha energía positiva y espero que se encuentre mejor en los próximos días. Cuando pienso que el proyecto de Eleni y Tereza está llegando a su fin me pongo un poco triste porque han sido una parte fundamental de mis días en los últimos tiempos. Pero así es el juego de la vida y seguro que, como siempre, nos esperan muchas sorpresas. 

Semana XVII(20/01/2023)

Hoy no me siento muy abierta a las historias, hay algunas cosas buenas que han pasado en la última semana que me han abierto a nuevas posibilidades pero siento que no tengo mi propio espacio creativo y la casa no me ayuda a estar tranquila. No quiero hablar mucho y me gustaría guardármelo todo para mí.

Semana XVIII(03/02/2023)

¡Hola! Hoy estoy animada porque ayer fui a un concierto maravilloso. Llevaba mucho tiempo queriendo escuchar a Ezra Collective y por fin ayer pude asistir a uno de sus conciertos en directo, fue encantador. A estas horas, este último mes pasa rápido y no quiero que pase... Todavía no me he hecho a la idea de tener que irme. En las próximas semanas creo que trabajaré en este sentimiento de apego y en dejar ir esta experiencia. ¡Espero que el sol y el buen tiempo me echen una mano!

Semana XX(10/02/2023)

Hoy no tengo muchas ganas de contarlo, pero estos días me siento feliz y me están pasando cosas buenas fuera del trabajo. Es solo que no me quiero ir. 

Semana XI(17/02/2023)

Esta es la última semana que escribo este blog. Para ser sincera siento tantas emociones circulando por mi cuerpo. Siento que el final de este viaje ha llegado pero al mismo tiempo que Barcelona se ha convertido en una parte importante de mi vida y estoy segura de que volveré a este lugar por alguna razón. Estoy contenta de volver a Italia, ver a mi familia y amigos y luego partir hacia Berlín para una nueva aventura. Es una época de cambios pero estoy segura de que por fin podré tomarme un momento de paz para mí misma y pensar en mi futuro. Tengo curiosidad, ¡ya veremos!