Journey Starts on 06/03/23

and Ends  on 05/10/23

Week I (08/03-10/03)

Welcome to Barcelona

I arrived in the Tudanzas house on Tuesday night, even if it wasn’t, the journey seemed long! The days before my departure I felt so anxious and excited, and I still feel like that a little bit.

We started working the next day, I met some people from the office and also Thaìs, the other long term volunteer. Murat explained us a few things about the work, and at the end of the day my head was full of information! Today we were able to work on our own, but I’m glad Thaìs and I were able to help each other when needed. I haven’t seen much about the city, and that makes me feel a little sad and alienated, but I know I have time to explore and I can’t wait to get to it. 

Week II (14/03-16/03)

Amazed and confused

These days have gone so fast! Work was intense, but has given me a lot of precious moments. I loved the sewing workshop and the community garden. This weekend I also saw an old friend of mine who lives in Barcelona, and again yesterday. I still feel a little lost, and also a little bit lonely, but I'm getting my head around this new routine, so it'll get better.

Week III (20/03-24/03)

Still amazed and still confused

This week, I started taking a Spanish class! I'm really excited about it because I understand a lot of Spanish thanks to its similarity to Italian, but I don't know grammar very well and my vocabulary isn't wide, and so I'm not really confident speaking Spanish. The working hours are very long, and it's mostly just me and Thaìs, so sometimes it's a bit alienating and a bit lonely for the both of us, but we are getting acquainted and reaching out to other things too. Last week we visited El Castillo de Montjuic, and after we went to a party in a park: we ate, we danced, and we had fun! 

Honestly I have some many emotions, I don't know what to do with them, so I'm simply allowing them to exist.

Week IV (27/03-31/03)

The real time of my life

This week I experienced a lot of anxiety, both about what I'm doing here and about my future, and right now I have a big headache, so this is not gonna be a happy blog ahahah.

Everything is a bit overwhelming and I constantly feel I'm not doing enough. When I realized I was feeling anxious, I started working on it and did a lot of meditations, so hopefully it will get better, but right now I'm okay with my feelings.

I need to do more things for me, and it's really hard. Besides that, I met with my friend a couple of times and also went to a language exchange. I walked around the city and cut my hair

Week V (03/04-06/04)

Mont Rebei

Last Sunday I went on a wonderful trip to Mont Rebei! The weather was nice: it was always sunny but not too hot, and the place is just beautiful. There was basically no water in the river (thanks global warming xoxo) but still I took pretty pictures (I hope, I haven't developed the film yet) and had fun. 

Also, this Easter, I'm going to Madrid!! I'm meeting a friend of a friend there, because she lives there, and I just can't wait! In fact, I'm leaving tonight right after work. I'm learning Español a poco a poco, pero no tengo mucha confianza hablando, y escribir es una otra cosa!

Pero creo que en un mes podré hablar más.

I'll catch you next time, xoxo 

Gossip girl

Week VI (10/04-14/04)

Pero bueno

My trip to Madrid was wonderful, I had the best time. Ines was amazing, she showed me around and included me in some activities with her family. I dived in the Pascua madrilena. Well actually my first night someone stole my wallet (I then found it) and on my last day a sweet bird unloaded on me, pero bueno, para mi fue una vacacion meravillosa.

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm gonna meet a couple of friends that are visiting from Italy, aaaand also I think I'm going to buy myself a pair of rollerblades because why not.

I so need to do meditation more often to centre myself un poco màs.

Week VII (17/04-21/04)


Esto fin de semana pasado due mi cumpleaño, me divertì mucho. Fue a un festival de musica con dos amigas el sabado, y el domingo fue a una kayak trip (jeez it's hard to write in spanish without translating). I'm really happy with the work I'm doing with my therapist, I'm discovering a lot of things about myself this also allows me to open myself up more to what it's in front of me now.

Here in Tudanzas, most of the time I'm outside my comfort zone, and sometimes it feels like I'm drowning, but actually I think I'm starting to swim. Entonces, trust the process chica.

Week IX (1/05-4/05)


I'm finally starting to feel like I know how to move inside the job, and that is really reassuring. But I guess everything is gonna change now that the festival is here lol. En realidad, I feel that I'm more flexible so I don't think it's gonna be a problem, I'm feeling more confident about my potential.

I'm making some friends, so this is good, I so felt like I needed some meaningful interactions here, so this is making me happy and overall more serene.

This of course doesn't change the fact that I also experience emotions that are painful, but I'm more serene navigating them and allowing myself to feel them. 

Week X (8/05-12/05)


Esto es el último día en Pineda. Las chicas son maravillosas. Esta semana fue muy intesta por el trabajo, es mi primera vez como coordinadora y tal vez parece que cualquier decisión es incorrecta. Pero conectarme con las chicas me encantó. Esta mañana fue a la playa para leer un poco :)))))

Week X (15/05-21/05)


Crrrrrrrraaazy. At the moment we are rushing for post-production, and I'm waiting for someone else's work because mine it's dependent on that so I don't feel connected with the present moment. This week has been tiring, emotional, and rewarding. I'm a little confused, I need time to see this experience more clearly I think. Overall it was awesome

Week XII (29/05-02/06)

Después del Festival

This days I'm extra tired. The other volunteers left and I'm readapting to the life here. I'm missing them already but I'm sure I'll see them again. We also have another volunteer now, Siloka, for another month or so (sounds almost like a pet written like this lol), she was in Pineda as well and I really like her. 

Week XIII (05/06-09/06)

Cuidado contigo todo bien

Esta semana habemos hechos muchas cosasss! Por ejemplo habìa un taller de pasta de dientes que me encantò, bueno ahora mi cepillo de dientes es amarillo neón, pero la pasta es muy válida y creo que me lo vuelvo a hacer cuando se acaba. Que más, vii la capibara en CosmoCaixa ihihih

Week XIV (12/06-17/06)

Things are coming

Sigo utilizar la pasta de dientes, in case you were wondering. Mis padres vienen a visitarme al final del mes y visitaremos la ciudad, thank god because I cannot afford tickets for half of the things here. Barcelona is not really joven/estudiante friendly when it comes to visits. I wonder what the summer will be like, I'm honestly afraid of the heat, I wouldn't believe it at first because it was cold for sooo long! Well, going to the beach today, at least I can be in the water, if it helps...

Week XV-XVI (19/06-30/06)


Mis padres son aquí en Barcelona por el finde! Los veré más tarde, soy muy feliz :)))) Some of my friends are leaving this week, others already left, it's really sad, I'm going to miss them a lot. They were a really important part of my journey, and I'm going to keep that with me. De toda manera, la vida sigue y nosotros bailamos. Oh wow, there's also backgrounds

Week XVIII (03/07-07/07)


My body just gave up this week, tengo que escuchar mi cuerpo más que hago ahora. Fui en la cama durante 4 días, haciendo nada, durmiendo, tomando la temperatura y la medicación---------------------------------CUERPOOOO-----------------------------TE ESCUCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO------------------------------------------CIAO-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Week XIX (10/07-14/07)


This week flew by, creo porque es la primera semana después que estaba enferma. Todavía un poco me cuesta estar en ambientes con mucho aire acondicionado y mirar al ordenador durante muchas horas, pero estoy mucho mejor y pararé tomar medicaciones la semana que viene uooouooo!

Week XX (17/07-21/07)


Esta semana en Malaga conocí mucha gente superinteresante! Me gustaría volver a ver a algunos de los chicos, especialmente a los que se alojan cerca de Barcelona.

Juntos lo pasamos muy bien y se creó una buena conexión :)

Week XXI (24/07-28/07)

Manejar arte

Estamos haciendo el montaje de una exposición. Las obras son difíciles de manejar, al ser tan grandes, pero por suerte no rompimos nada jajaja 

Week XXI (31/07-04/08)


Estos son mis últimos días aquí en Barcelona. Los tengo de vacaciones, así que estoy disfrutando de esta ciudad tan rica de cultura, de la playa y de las amistades también. ¡Con mucho amor, adiós Barcelona!