
INICIO: 17/07/2021

FIN: 01/10/2021

I Week (23/07/2021)

I feel confuse in a way that makes sense

When I was in high school, I bought a diary to take notes of the homework I needed to do. The surface was white so that everyone was able to personalize it in their own way. 

In the end, months passed by, and I never draw anything. I felt like I didn't want to take the responsibility of deciding what was going to be drawn on the surface for the entire year.

The compromise could be to draw a different thing once in a while in order to create a surface that changes as I do.

I feel confused in a way that makes sense. 

Tudanzas is not linear, and wouldn't it be linear itself, to try to explain the definition of what isn't linear? For example, there isn't a specific word for the opposite of "linearity", apart from adjectives or names like "complicated, multilinear, enigmatic, abstract, etc.."

This week, I am grateful for the conversations we had all together, and for the conflicts they created. 

I also feel scared because is easier when instead of an open space, there are train tracks or defined streets

The good part of it is that the energy flows well inside open spaces: if Tudanzas is an open space, the community that surrounds it is like the streets that are connected to it and make the air circulate even more.

The black lines were made to show people how to exit

- ginni

II Week (30/07/2021)


En esta carta de tarot Osho aparecen dos árboles en flor cuyas ramas se entrelazan, sus pétalos caen sobre el mismo suelo sin importar el árbol del que vienen, creando un tapiz bellísimo. Su significado en una lectura de tarot no puede ser más evidente. Es el amor lo que nos une, y viendo esta carta es como si la tierra y el cielo se mantuviesen unidos por amor 


People interacting

- ginni

III Week (06/08/2021)


If it wasn't obvious, I was confused last week. I was investigating the sense of Identity within ourselves. What is exactly our identity? What are its limits?

I love metaphors: is our identity more a cloud, with a defined shape that changes completely with time and wind? 

Or is it more a tree: growing up, its shape is defined within the space in which it is located. What could happen, is that the leaves fall and merge with the leaves of other trees, creating a colourful carpet. It could also happen that its branches unite with those of another tree around. 

"La serenità nasce dal non attaccamento; niente e nessuno ti appartiene davvero" = Serenity arises from non-attachment; nothing and nobody really belongs to you

I'm a libra; they say Libras never have an opinion on anything. I think they are right.

But is not that simple: I don't like to think that "A" is wrong and "B" is right.

Yes, there could be a general answer to certain questions, but when it comes to larger topics like our mind, our life decisions, our love decisions, there are too many things going on to define what is "right" and what is "wrong".

For example, B is technically right, but his beliefs come from a place of anger, and he just wants to win the conflict. Is his identity a cloud or a defined tree? If it's a cloud, where is the limit between his identity and the other clouds?

Let's talk about love: does loving someone means that you become clouds that together create a new shape, losing the sense of themselves? Or is more like the tree example: two separate and defined trees that with time create a beautiful carpet of leaves that's never the same,it changes every second.

Let's change the example and talk about balloons.

I've been asked to describe myself through an object that could suit me the most.

I chose a balloon: it is an object that represents joy, it makes people laugh and play. Its movements aren't predictable: even when people sent it in a specific direction, the wind will always prevail

If you fill the balloon with oxygen, it will entirely move because of external factors, or it will just end up on the floor.

If you fill the balloon with helium, it will fly away through the sky and get lost.

Is it possible then to find a balance between the 2 cases? To have enough power to fly by itself, but still be supported by the surrounding ones: people and wind.

Lately, there has been a struggle between the quantities of helium and oxygen: I think I'm getting closer to the right amount, or maybe not (?)

- ginni

You just moved to Barcelona by yourself. Don't you feel alone? Do you have someone to hang out with?




                                                       soledad              ?

¿Por qué "todo unido" se escribe por separado?                                                                           ¿Por qué "separado" se escribe todo unido?

Meaning: I like being alone, cause I don't feel alone.


IV Week (13/08/2021)

What could happen if you move to a different Country, is that you start looking for the same food / places / environments as your hometown. 

I came from Sicily. I grew up in Catania, a city that smells like fish: the sea is flat and the water is usually crystal clear. When I hang out to a pub or a restaurant, people sometimes recognize me, and I'm able to ask for something without struggling with the language.

I moved to Barcelona and it wasn't smelling like fish and I didn't know anyone or any place around. When I hanged out, I spoke English.

It took me a while to understand that the thing I need to do, is to find Barcelona's own flavour. So I'll use this platform to share some places and things that introduced me to Barcelona.   

 Piérdete en los callejones 

Tip: careful to your phone

In this particular spot I felt a cousy energy. 

There's a pub with a small sign at the entrance; they play rock music like "The Smiths" or "Joy Division", which I like.

Tip: if you are a student, they do happy hours: 1.5 euros per beer!

Jam Sessions: 

People that haven't met before, play together. The result can be either very weird or a masterpiece

I've been there twice, and they already treat me like I'm family

The most magical place I've found in Barcelona. 

Anna and I watched the little mosquitos, flying under the light spot, for 45 minutes.

V Week (20/08/2021)

Anna found those pictures from the 10th of March 1994, while we were walking.

I wonder why they ended up on the street: imagine that a photo you're taking right now, in 25 years will end up in a street and random people will see it and take it home. 


I went to the cinema to watch this film that has a similar name to my surname: Noland

In the past they used to give surnames to distinguish people from each others, using names of cities, colours to describe an aesthetic characteristic of the person, etc… I always thought that "no-land" came from a group of nomads. 

In this film, they asked Fern (the protagonist), if she's homeless: she replies that she's not, she's houseless instead.

While moving from a place to another one, she meet different people with different stories. 

Finding those frames on the street about people during a holiday or even just about a tunnel, reminds me of the power of humanity and how all our stories are connected, either in the same day or after 25 years.

But that's also cause of the capacity to look carefully what surrounds us. It is true that without Anna I wouldn't be able to find them! 

Lind and Fern chillin


“I heard this story about a fish, he swims up to an older fish and says: 

"I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean!"

"The ocean?" the older fish says, "that’s what you’re in right now"

"This", says the young fish, "this is water. What I want is the ocean!’” 

VI Week (27/08/2021)

 ....... [working in progress project] .......

Sentir o Escuchar, Mirar o Observar:

Donde pones la mirada cuando caminas por la calle,

Anna tiene dolor de garganta

<nope, is not covid> 

We started asking ourselves about the meaning of sore throat

For example, when I argue with my mom I usually feel sore throat when I'm not able to express myself as I want to. 

In Tudanzas we discuss community art and I thought a lot about some examples that could fit the concept of community art, and I'd like to share them here

Does Jam sessions have something in common with Community art? I mean the type of jam sessions in which people that haven't met before, reunite in a stage a start playing their instruments without any plan. They just follow the flow of the moment 


A documentary made by hundred of people, who filmed themselves on the 24th of July 2010 to show 

what it was like to be alive on the 24th of July 2010  

Why are you showing us this video? 

To prove a point 👇 

 Does Jam sessions have something in common with Community art? I mean the type of jam sessions in which people that haven't met before, reunite in a stage a start playing their instruments without any plan. They just follow the flow of the moment

This table was ruined by the time, translated in weather effects and people influence. What's the meaning? There in none, I just like it


Imagine this: you're the new entry inside this company/organization/group of people, you also speak a different language and tent to misunderstand what's has been told. 

At one point, imagine they tell you "we actually don't need you here" and if you're a minimum insecure, this phrase is like a bomb to your ego.

Then you realize that is actually true. Would the planet stop existing without my presence? Of course, it would stop! 

Jokes apart, the answer is clearly "No". 

BUT another truth is that my actions are highly influencing everyone's life, even if the world would still be the same and people around me would live anyway.

You're not 2nd to anyone, but you're not also 1st to anyone.

VII Week (03/09/2021) 

- Ayesha Siddiqi 

There's electricity in the air; the weather is getting colder and Barcelona seems different. 

I spoke about what "loneliness" means to me, and everyday I discover something new about it.

When you have a flight to catch and ask the people to meet in certain days before you go, what happens is that they're busy that days, and you have to see them all at once the night before travelling. When the mood inside you changes, and you're feeling you're about to leave, something in the air changes as well and people you haven't talked to for a while, reach out to you all in once. I'm not saying this is what happens all the time, but most of the time. 

Or the universal law that makes you live in a place for almost a year, and only at the end of your journey you find that special person that ended up loving. 

Why is this so common, and is it about energies?

You start to attract the person who you've been chasing for a while, only when you finally give up, like the song "only know you love her when you let her go"

So sometimes we play games with people, like "If I don't text this person for 2 days and act like I'm busy, he'll chase me", and unless your energy isn't true with this statement, you end up with no results cause this person knows is not true.


Be true to yourself, 

Be honest if something doesn't feel right, speak your truth but be open to new truths at the same time. 

I wrote on this blog that I believe there are always different truths and maybe, at the end, there's a compromise depending on the contexts and energies. To be open to different truths and truly accept them is something to focus on.

I learned that I don't feel too alone because after phonecalls with my loved ones around the world, I feel their love and I embrace the importance of that connection, even if is not livable daily in person. 

There are many types of friendships: the one's you ended up creating cause of work / school / hobbies ecc.. The ones generated by the urge of not being alone: meetups with international people / erasmus groups

and last but not least, the unexpected ones, born from a genuine and natural situation, and filled like water for plants, daily and naturally for a feeling of exchange and nothing else. intercambio de energías. 



Final Week (24/09/2021) 

I skipped week VIII and IX because I went to Florida to visit my dad and brother.

This might be the last chapter of my blog, so I wanted to share this really special photo, took on the last day in the States. My dad had a complicated life, so now he wants to have a simple life, spending his time to buy some groceries, washing his car 3 times a week, building electric guitars, and selling them online (sometimes he does something wrong and goes to Dale, a military veteran that had a complicated life as well, and now owns a small music shop around the corner).

My dad and I listen to the same music and communicate with each other sharing songs once in a while. 

He despises crowded places, in fact, if there are 20 people in total on a beach, he thinks the space is too full for him. That morning we woke up at 6 am and went to this white sanded beach. We were the only ones. 

There was a special energy in the air: the lighthouse was still on,  my dad started walking alone and his figure blended completely into the landscape:

I felt his peace.

There's this special energy and electricity in the air, when you know you are about to leave, without knowing if you'll be back: life hits you differently. 

The truth is that I had lots of thoughts during my past weeks, I felt this was my "safe space" and I'm grateful for it.

Push this bottom to hear the Soundtrack of this moment

thank you