Tecoma stans (L.) Kunth

Family: Bignoniaceae

Common names (English):

Yellow Bells, Trumpet-flower, Yellow Elde               

Local name (Kannada):

Habit: Shrub


Native of South America.         

Use: Ornamental


Large shrub to small trees. Leaves opposite, pinnate; leaflets elliptic-ovate, acuminate at apex, margins sharply toothed, the terminal leaf-left much larger than the laterals. Flowers in short terminal panicles, bright yellow. Calyx tubular-campanulate. Corolla tube ca. 3 cm long, abruptly contracted at the base, sparse pubescent within and glandulose towards the base; lobes subequal. Stamens included. Disc shallow cupular, 5-lobed, fleshy. Capsule linear capsule.