Acalypha wilkesiana Muell.Arg

Family: Euphorbiaceae 

Common Names (English): 

Beefsteak Plant, Fire Dragon Acalypha, Copper leaf

Local Name (Kannada): 

Habit: Shrub

Distribution: Native of Polynesia 

Use: Ornamental



Erect shrubs. Leaves alternate, elliptic to ovate, margin crenate-serrate, apex acuminate. Staminate spikes axillary, pendulous, reddish, many-flowered. Flowers in the axils of minute bracts. Perianth 4-lobed, axillary. Pistillate spikes erect, reddish. Flowers in the axils of foliaceous, reddish bracts. Perianth 3-5-parted.