Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff.

Family: Acanthaceae

Common names (English):

Caricature Plant   

Local name (Kannada):

Habit: Shrub


Native of Polynesia      

Use: Ornamental


Erect shrubs up to 3 m tall. Leaves opposite, ovate-elliptic, basally attenuate, entire. Flowers dark purple or crimson, in terminal panicles of cymes; bracts and bracteoles inconspicuous. Calyx lobes linear, c. 3-4 mm long. Corolla glabrous externally, glandular-pubescent within, upper lip erect, lower lip reflexed. Stamens exserted, attached at the throat of tube, filaments c. 5 mm long; staminodes linear, c. 1.5 mm long.