Tecoma capensis (Thunb.) Lindl. 

Family: Bignoniaceae

Common names (English):

Cape Honey Suckle, Salmon tecomaria               

Local name (Kannada):

Habit: Shrub


Native of Africa.         

Use: Ornamental


Erect and scrambling shrubs, up to c. 3 m high. Leaves opposite, pinnate; leaflets 5-9, elliptic to suborbicular, acute to obtuse at apex, crenate. Flowers in terminal racemes. Calyx tubular, 5-toothed at apex. Corolla tubular, 4-5 cm long, red, yellow or orange-yellow, villous within. Stamens 4, didynamous, exserted, filaments 3-3.5 cm long. Disc fleshy.