Foundations of Art

End Of The Year Reflection

How does your work show how you have improved?

At the beginning of the year, I didn't really know what I wanted in this class, but now I know how I want to grow as an artist; and by taking the other art classes for the next three years of high school. Now, I have many ideas of what I can do for projects instead of just doing the first thing that comes to mind. I’ve also learned and been able to practice with new materials, which has led me to improve with just the basics.

What was the most challenging and why?

The most challenging for me is realistic drawing artwork. For me, I like to paint or draw random things that are more abstract and unrealistic, and when I’m assigned to do something more realistic, I find myself critiquing myself a lot more. Such as, saying to myself that something doesn’t look right; which results in me getting frustrated because it's not perfect to me. I've come quite a long way with my art, and my duck stamp, which was a realistic piece of artwork, got an honorable mention! With acrylic paint, I learned with the surrealism project how to paint realistically which helped me a lot.

What are you most proud of and why?

I’m most proud of my acrylic paint projects I completed this year. I’ve always loved painting and with COVID and quarantine, I found myself painting to pass time, which I continued in my free time; and I’ve grown so far with painting over the past year or so. When I found out I needed to use 84 colors, I was so excited and my mind started running 500 miles per hour to figure out how to incorporate all those colors.

In what way does your work illustrate your strengths and weaknesses as a learner?

I've never been great at basic school stuff, but for art, I can express myself and make things that don't get graded based on if it's perfect and it has to be a certain way; and that there isn’t only one correct way to do something. With art, I’m in a new world where I can be creative and step out of reality for a second and focus on something that I'm passionate about. I've always gone to art if I’ve had a bad day, needed a break, or if I’m bored and have nothing to do. Overall, I get to tell a story or event through my art and make someone else see something too.