
Value Strip

Scratchboard & Red Handle Tool

8 x 1.5 in

Whistler Mountains

Scratchboard, Red Handle Tool, Fiber Brush & A Pencil

7.5 x 10 in

My artwork was based on a photo I had taken on a ski vacation. I love this photo and it worked very well for this type of art we were doing since it was already mostly black and white.

The materials I used were scratchboard, the sharp pointy red-handed tool, fiber brush, and a pencil.

I had to go back many times to double-check if I was going to be scratching the right box, how big something was, and not scratch too much off. Also, wish I would have done more test on how to add more to the white space to give texture. I didn't know how to do that at first (as seen in the left upper corner) but halfway through I figured it out and was able to do a good job for the rest of the artwork.