Eccentric Teapot

Blue Sky 

For this project, my class was prompted to make a teapot with each part of the pot representing something. I chose to have the overall theme of my teapot related to the mountains and nature. The body is going to be a normal curved pot with a mountain range scraped into it, the spout is going to be a tree stump, the handle was going to be a normal twisted shape, and the lid was going to be a sun. 

To make this I started off with coils to get the shape of my pot on a slab so I could have a bottom to my pot and after that I smoothed out all the coils to be one. I also made by spout from a coil and added texture with a knife. I took a ball of clay under with the help of water to pull a handle and twisted the clay along the way. Lastly, for the top, I cut out a hole in the shape of a moon and slipped and scored a ball of clay to the top for the sun, and added texture with a back of a paintbrush.    

I created this teapot like this because I like the outdoors nature and I felt that all of these concepts together would look good together and I think it came out well.