Assemblage Sculpture


20 x 30 in

Paper & Pencil


Newspaper & Tape

Sheep Laying

Newspaper, Tape, Hot Glue, & Pillow Stuffing

My main idea for this project was to find material in my use I can use to make something for this art project. I remembered all the stuffing meant for homemade pillows and i thought that would go perfect for my dog’s fur. So that would be perfect.

I had many steps for this project first to get a basic understanding by drawing out my thoughts. Next was to construct the base out of newspaper and tape, this was the most difficult step because I had to take what I knew my dog looked like laying down and turn that into something real. Once that was done i needed to take the pillow stuffing and glue that onto my skeleton.

What really stumped me was how to make my thoughts of my dog translate into the skeleton. It took me two times to figure out how to make the sculpture realistic.