AP Art & Design

End of the Year Reflection 

How does your work show how you have improved? My artwork has improved over the years with the time and practice I've put into my pieces. I have tried to expand my material choice experiment with different materials get more comfortable with the materials and learn new skills. I have also tried to put more thought into my pieces and be passionate about my ideas. This has helped me improve my work and make it complete and look finished. 

In what ways does your work illustrate your strengths and weaknesses as a learner? There are pieces in my portfolio that show my weaknesses and strengths. Strengths that I see a pattern of is when I use materials that I am used to and ideas that have a lot of thoughts into them. Also, I see that certain abstract material choices I would pick would sometimes work well and create a piece that would show my strengths. Weaknesses that I tend to have is that when I have ideas that aren't something that I have a good idea for. Sometimes it doesn't come out the way I have planned and shows my weaknesses skill-wise. If I am not passionate about the idea it can come out not very skillful but if it's a good idea I tend to like my project. 

What was the most challenging and why? The most difficult part of my portfolio was The Duck Stamp. Around the time of this project, I had broken my wrist and was in a brace and a sling. I had to persevere through losing the skill of writing with my dominant hand and try my best to use my non-dominant hand to create this piece. Projects to come after The Duck Stamp I was able to use my right hand again with my cast on. But I also needed to learn how to hold my materials in my hands due to the cast bonding area around my thumb. Over my injury, I felt that at the end of my Sustained Investigation, I started to lose ideas on what to create and what materials to use to create my landscape pieces. 

What are you most proud of and why? I am most proud of my Fifth Sustained Investigation, I used a needle and thread to create this piece which I only used for a small project with less detail in a past art class. I took the time and practiced different techniques that I later used to create this final piece. I liked creating this piercing adding all the different colors and textures. I think I'm most proud of this piece because I had an idea and could execute it just as I imagined it. 

What are your artistic goals for the summer/future? After high school, I still intend to continue to create works of art. I love creating art whenever I can in my free time and I am going to college in the fall. I signed up for an art concentration freshman seminar focusing on creating art pieces as I get to meet other freshmen with the same interests and can meet new people. I also would like to do something in my future career that involves graphic design and advertising. Hopefully one day I will be able to have a career that allows me to be able to create in some way, no matter what that entails.