Tournedos Henri IV

6 Filet Steaks, 1" thick

Black Pepper, freshly ground

3 Tbs. Butter, preferably clarified

1/4 cup Brandy

6 Artichoke Bottoms, cooked and hot

1 cup Sauce Bearnaise

Pound the steaks until they are 1/2" thick. Pepper them on each side. Put 2 Tbs. of butter into a skillet and place over high heat until the butter foam begins to subside. Saute the steaks for about 2 minutes on each side. Flame the brandy and pour the flames over the steaks. Whn the fames have subsided, place the steaks on a hot platter and pour the meat juces over the steaks. Place a hot artichoke bottom on each steak and fill with sauce bearnaise.