Grilled Peach Whiskey Beurre Blanc

Oil, for coating peaches

3 peaches, halved and pitted

1 tablespoon butter, plus 8 tablespoons, cubed and chilled

1 shallot, chopped

1 habanero, diced ( or to taste. I thought this was too much )

1/2 teaspoon grated or finely chopped fresh ginger

1/4 cup whiskey

1/2 cup cream

1 teaspoon honey

Lightly oil the peach halves and put on the grill for 3 to 5 minutes to slightly soften, flavor and mark. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a large saucepan and add the shallots, habanero and ginger. Saute for about 1 to 2 minutes. Chop the peaches, add them to the pan and cook for 1 minute. Remove the pan from the heat to add the whiskey and then return to the heat to cook until the liquid is reduced by half. Add the cream and the honey and allow it to reduce again by half. Strain and finish the sauce by slowly whisking in the cold butter.