The History of Thanksgiving

By Cecilia Sarnowski '22

November 2018

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621. At that point in time Thanksgiving was a celebration of the first harvest that the European pilgrims had in America. The celebration also honored the peace between the Native Americans, the Wampanoag more specifically, and the European pilgrims. This peace is significant because at that time Native Americans were being enslaved by Europeans, but when the pilgrims came to their land they chose to be kind and hospitable. Without the help of the Wampanoag, the pilgrims most likely would not have been able to provide for themselves and the small population would have died out, rather quickly, with the winter on its way. It is important to celebrate this holiday because it shows our thanks to those who helped the pilgrims through their first winter in America. Another, more relevant, reason to celebrate is to show our thanks to those who have helped us in our own lifetime, for example, friends, relatives, and teachers. Although the people who have helped you may not be with you during your celebration of this holiday, it is considerate to think about what they have done for you.