To Frizz or Not to Frizz? THAT is the Question

By Kiersten Daley '21

December 2018

In the winter, people with curly hair may have more trouble keeping their hair nice and moisturized, compared to those with naturally straight or wavy hair. Due to the texture and shape of the strands, curly hair tends to be more dry and frizzy. The scalp produces a natural sebum that keeps hair moisturized. When your hair is straight, this sebum can be distributed throughout your strands through brushing, keeping it nice and healthy. On the other hand, brushing curly hair to distribute the sebum is often times painful and time consuming. It also causes the hair to frizz up and break, causing split ends. In the winter, the air is more dry which can cause the strands to become dry as well. Lucky for you, here are some tips for keeping your curly crown moisturized and frizz-free.

  • Eat foods rich in nutrients, such as avocados and tangerines. These foods can help your hair stay shiny.
  • Deep condition every few days, maybe 2 days a week.
  • Try to avoid wearing your hair up as much as possible, as that can lead to excessive breakage.
  • Wear your hair in a silk bonnet, or invest in a silk pillowcase to avoid split ends.
  • Dry your hair with a t-shirt and not a cotton towel.
  • Shampoo just your scalp, so that your strands stay moisturized; also, do not shampoo every single day.
  • Wash your hair with cold water as opposed to hot water. You can get heat damage from hotter water.