The Importance of Cultural Diversity

By Cecilia Sarnowski

The definition of being culturally diverse by Purdue Global is, “…a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognizes and respects the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society…”

Being culturally diverse is important because more people from many different countries are moving to the U.S. and with them they are bringing their culture and beliefs. A large part of being culturally diverse is being respectful even when you do not agree with or do not believe in what they are condoning to. Although it may be hard to listen to what other people have to say on a topic when you disagree, by listening it shows that you are mature enough to hear and understand their stance in that particular matter.

Another important factor in being diverse is being understanding. When you understand someone, you can see the struggle or joy that someone feels when participating in their culture. Interestingly enough, you may find that you would like to participate in their culture or learn about it just because your exposure to it has sparked an interest. If you decide to research, you may reach a greater understanding of their traditions and festivities. Even if you do not go above and beyond to understand someone and their culture, you can at least respect them and what they believe in.

Respect is important because racism and prejudice derive from a lack of respect of others and their ethnicity, race, culture, or even gender. You can respect someone in simple ways. An example of a simple way to show respect is not speaking poorly about someone or something that you don’t obtain knowledge on. Another way is to participate in traditions when in the presence of people who follow said traditions, for example, wearing a hijab when in the presence of people who believe in the reasoning of that tradition.

Although, these examples I have given seem inconsequential, it truly is the small things that matter. So go out and talk to people. Ask questions where there is curiosity! When you feel the smallest want to know and learn about something, dive in and see what is found.