Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Ellis

By Nicole Serbel '21

November 2018

This month’s teacher spotlight is on Mr. Ellis. Mr. Ellis teaches Physical Education, Wellness 1, and Wellness 2. He has been teaching for nineteen years total, with fifteen of those years being here at Lehighton. He originally went to school to be a police officer, but after working night shifts, he realized the job wasn’t for him and, thankfully, he became a teacher. His favorite part about being a teacher is that he can teach kids valuable life lessons that they will actually use outside of a school scenario. Mr. Ellis likes that our school is relatively small because he gets to know most of the kids here and teach them as well as create stronger bonds with the staff and students. This year he looks forward to making every single day a good day and allowing the students to learn. Outside of school, Mr. Ellis enjoys cooking, golfing, lifting, and watching his favorite football teams, the Eagles and Penn State. His advice to students is if you have something you want to do in life, be passionate about it and make it happen.