Holding Hands with Her

Holding Hands with Her

By Trevor Reimer

March 2019

If you’ve ever been in love,

then you know.

You know how it feels.

How it feels when your heart

wants to break out

of your ribcage

when you see them.

How it feels

to hold their hand

and hug them.

You know how terrible it feels

to say goodbye

when you walk them

to their bus

at the end of the day

or walk them to class

and part ways

at the stairs.

How it feels to never want

to say goodbye.

You start to notice

more about them.

The way they move.

The way they speak.

The way their eyes

light up

when you talk to them.

How tall they are.

How amazing

they make you feel.

How they feel so strong.

How they make you feel

protected and loved

and wanted.


When you hold hands,

you don’t want to let go.

You want to hold onto them forever

because you know if you let go

they might find

a better hand to hold

and leave you for

the one with better hands.

You keep trying to convince yourself

“They would never do that to me”

but you can never be sure,

you just have to hope

that your hands

are good enough for them.