I am Struggling:

Life with an Anxiety Disorder


I’ve always had fear in my life but it wasn’t normal fear. I always thought something was wrong with me, and I found out that I have many different types of anxiety disorders. I have generalized anxiety disorder which is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry, and tension even when there is little or nothing provoking it. I also have obsessive compulsive disorder which in this case is when I obsess over an unwanted thought that I can’t get rid of. I also have repetitive behavior. I rinse dishes off that are already clean. I close my door and turn my light on and off constantly and I always think I am ill no matter how many people tell me that I’m not. I also have social anxiety; I might seem outgoing towards people but everyday I have anxiety, fear, and embarrassment. I have a fear of being judged especially by my friends. I have always had trouble fitting in. I am afraid of humiliation and what people will think of me if I be myself. I also have panic disorder which means I have repeated episodes of intense fear which bring on symptoms like chest pains, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and abdominal distress. I also have trouble sleeping at night. Sometimes I won’t sleep for three days straight. I never asked to have anxiety this bad but I do and sometimes you just need to let out your feelings. You may know me and you may not like me but everybody fights with something and no matter how much I want it to stop, it won’t. All I have to do is keep on fighting everyday.