County Chorus brings students from across districts together

Post date: Nov 22, 2014 1:28:04 AM

By A. J. Treible

County Chorus is a yearly event that gathers a select few singers from the different schools around the county for a day-long event of practicing songs and performing in a later evening concert. The participants in this concert are Panther Valley, Lehighton, Weatherly, Jim Thorpe, and Palmerton, the host for this year’s concert.

It is a long day, arriving at the school for 8 a.m. and practices begins at 8:30 a.m. There are nearly eighty students who arrive along with the guest conductor, Eduardo Azzati, a professor from Moravian College. Performers begin with simple warm-ups and a run through of all of the songs. After several hours of practice with the full group, the concert is finally ready. The concert consists of eleven pieces including two Latin, a French, and a German piece along with two college leveled songs. The composers range from Handel to the Beatles. The concert ended with a standing ovation and an encore of the Beatles’ “When I’m Sixty-Four.”

Editor’s note: A big thanks goes out to the schools and their choral directors for bringing the students and keeping the music programs alive in their schools. Specifically, we would like to thank our choral director Mr. Perkins.