Tune-A-Salad Tuesday


By Holly Fasching '22

You may recognize the earworm lyrics of Boys Will be Bugs and Lemonboy, written and performed by Cavetown. The muse behind these favorites is Robin Skinner, an indie artist from the U.K. You can find him on Spotify with over 3 million monthly listeners. He will be releasing his 4th studio album this March, so stay tuned for more chill jams. Skinner’s story-telling style uses a blend of indie pop, soft rock, and ukulele ballads. If you like artists such as Rex Orange County, Khai Dreams, and Dayglow, be sure to check out Cavetown.

Not sure which song to start with? Here’s a list of some of my favorites:

  • Banana Bread
  • Fool
  • Ghost Boys
  • Telescope
  • Green
  • Just Add Water

You can follow Cavetown on Instagram, @lemon.socks and Twitter, @CAVETOWN