Gun Control

Post date: Feb 26, 2018 7:34:46 PM

By: Cara Palumbo

According to David Emery of there have been 18 school shootings since January 1st. Depending on how someone defines a school shooting whether it be a discharge of a gun on school grounds or the injury or death of students or teachers there should be no guns at all on school property. These numerous tragedies bring to light the issue of gun control because what these shootings are is an act of domestic terrorism. Many people believe that automatic or semi-automatic weapons should be banned for those not in the military. Others believe that more extensive mental health and background checks should be put into place to prevent disasters like this from happening again. Some people believe it is pertinent that there is at least a raise in the age to buy a gun. There will always be opponents to these kind of changes to the gun laws with people saying it inhibits our 2nd amendment right. There have been many potential solutions to this issue thrown out there but whatever the solution may be a lot of people are calling for increased gun control to help limit the gun violence in this country.