Getting to know Mrs. Leitzel

Post date: Oct 30, 2014 6:28:53 PM

by A. J. Treible, Editor

Mrs. Leitzel is a 12th grade English teacher, usually seen guiding seniors along their paths to college by teaching at a high level and helping student with essays and applications. Mrs. Letizel says her favorite quote comes from Thomas Edison: “If we all did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” This describes Mrs. Leitzel very well, as she is always trying to better herself and her students. She is constantly giving encouraging advice and helping students in any way she can. Mrs. Leitzel has been interested in English ever since she was a little girl. She has always loved to read and write. What students may not know is that she is very adventurous, spending most of her time outdoors. She enjoys biking, hiking, and kayaking, among other various outdoor activities. She also loves to knit and has an interest in live theater.

Interestingly, Mrs. Leitzel really enjoys spicy food. She even has two bottles of hot sauce stored right in her desk.

Mrs. Leitzel often livens up her class by sharing stories from her own high school experience. She recently recalled one of her most embarrassing moments when as a teenager, her family and their neighbors decided that they wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving in the most traditional way: by dressing up in Indian and Pilgrim apparel and eating outside. The local newspaper caught wind of this, and got their picture plastered on the front page. As a teenager, that is the last thing you want shared with the whole town. And now nearly every year at Thanksgiving, someone puts the picture up on social media.

As a word of advice to the student body, Mrs. Leitzel said, “With seeing everyone day to day, we would all be better off if our primary motivation towards each other would be kindness. Be kind to each other. I see a lot of nastiness going on and negativity. A basic sense of kindness would improve a lot.”