The Negative Effects of Social Media

By Madison Becksted '21

February 2019

Many problems arise from social media. According to an article called “7 Negative Effects of

Social Media on People and Users” there are 7 main downfalls of social media. The 7 topics are

depression/anxiety, cyberbullying, fear of missing out, unrealistic expectations, negative body

image, unhealthy sleep patterns, and general addictions. Social media causes people to view

themselves and other people very differently. They begin to compare the way they look to the

people they see on social media which causes them to view themselves poorly. Another

problem is the addiction that comes along with social media. People become addicted to

constantly being on, posting, or looking at social media which causes them to lose track of real

life outside of the apps. Being addicted to the app causes people to be on their phones an

unhealthy amount which then leads to problems sleeping and even problems with seeing. The

negative effects of social media cause a chain reaction. One bad thing leads into another.

Although social media can be enjoyable, it has many negative effects on mental and physical
