
By Callie Hayman '22

May 2020


What does that mean?

It means to stay inside.

The world is panicking

“Why is this happening?”

Too many people have died.

The shelves are bare,

So sit down in your chair.

You have what you need to survive.

Wear gloves and a mask wherever you roam,

And for your safety, don’t leave your home.

All schools and churches are now closed.

Graduation and prom? They’ve been postponed.

While the flowers are outside blooming,

Kids are indoors doing online schooling.

They all miss seeing their friends.

The distance is six feet away.

It’s almost been thirty days.

We’ve got no events to attend.

Grab your snacks.

Sit back and relax.

You have to take it slow.

Learn a new trick,

Have a picnic,

Or rewatch your favorite show.

Thank you Corona for this surprise.

This isn’t what we call paradise,

But on and on the world will go.