Kindness Week

By Jenna Trilli '21

Being kind can change someone's entire day. This week, LHS is participating in the “Kindness Week Challenge”. Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. A kind person is very genuine, caring and loving, giving out of the goodness of their heart. It is very important to be kind, not only does it make you feel good but also makes the other person feel amazing. There are many different ways to be kind. Kindness can be giving someone a compliment or simply just holding the door.

The themes for this week include:

Monday- Powered by Kindness: Dress like a Superhero

Tuesday- Peace, Love, Kindness: Dress in Tie Dye

Wednesday- Get Comfy for Kindness: Dress in Lounge Wear or Pajamas

Thursday- Kindness Rocks: Dress like a Rockstar

Friday- Words and Actions that Hurt can’t be Taken Back: Dress Backwards.

The Kindness Challenge:

Calling all LAHS students- participate in the Kindness Challenge from January 27th- January 31st by passing on kindness in the following ways:

-Give someone a high five

-Do one small good deed:

Hold a door open for someone

Pick up something they dropped

Help someone carry something

-Sit with someone new at lunch

-Compliment a teacher

-Help a friend with homework or classwork

-Make a thank you card for a teacher, mentor or friend

-Participate in the dress-up days

Upload photos of your good deeds to twitter and share with the following hashtags:

#kindnesschallenge #aevidum

Tag @LahsSadd, @LHS_Aevidum and @LehightonHighSc

You will be put in a drawing to win a $5 giftcard to Dunkin Donuts

Be kind, change someone's life and show your support for Kindness Week.