Teacher Spotlight: Ms. DePaulo

By Nicole Serbel '21

February 2019

This month, the spotlight is on Ms. Depaulo! Ms. DePaulo teaches English and Public Speaking. She is also the advisor for Interact Club and she is an assistant coach for the volleyball team here at Lehighton. This is only her second year teaching! Her favorite part of being a teacher is how she can easily connect with the students. She likes how our school district has a small town/community vibe. Ms. DePaulo also enjoys how the people here look out for each other. She’s looking forward to continuing to grow with the students and grow her professional practice over this school year and the following years. Outside of school, Ms. DePaulo enjoys practicing yoga, spending time outside, binging netflix, and spending quality time with her friends and family. Her advice to the students are to stay passionate and keep your drive, don’t become cynical.