How to Succeed at Musicals

Post date: Jun 5, 2017 1:32:14 PM

By: Jen Dobrowski

Lehighton Area High School put on their annual musical this school year. The show performed was “How to Succeed in Business: Without Really Trying”. The broadway style play was put on entirely by high school students with the guidance of director Jessica Schafer, in conjunction with a small pit band consisting of high school students and community members. “How to Succeed” is the comical story of J. Pierpont Finch, a window washer, climbing the corporate ladder. This story, just as many others, has an underlying tale of romance. Finch, who was played by Antonio Lorenzo, falls in love with the beautiful Rosemary Pilkington, portrayed by Kira Williams. Rosemary is secretary at the World Wide Wickets Company where the play is set, she is instantly smitten with Finch and sets her sights on his love. As the two interact Rosemary helps Finch to advance in positions throughout the company. The outcome of the tale is truly touching but to discover that conclusion you must watch the whole journey.