Seven ways to look your best, naturally.

Post date: Nov 13, 2014 7:19:02 PM

By Elise Johnston

Less is more; while overused and a tad cliché, that simple statement is very true and honest. Embracing who you are is fantastic and you can enhance your bold features naturally, without going overboard on expensive products and time consuming salon appointments. Here are seven ways to look your best, naturally.

1. For tossed tendrils that scream fifty dollar hairspray and loads of product, try an inexpensive sea salt spray. Use a spray bottle and two tables spoons of sea salt mixed with one cup of water. Spray a liberal amount onto the ends of your hair and scrunch. Presto!

2. Skip the Chapstick, olive oil does the job just as well and even gives your lips a nice plump! (AKA gives your lips the Lana Del Rey effect). Extra virgin olive oil is most effective for this helpful trick as it removes dead skin cells. Pour a quarter sized amount onto a towel and rub the oil onto your lips gently. Wash off the excess product and enjoy smooth lips without the unnecessary residue from the average Chapstick tube.

3. Do you suffer from stubborn acne scars? If you answered yes, you are certainly not alone! (No, this is not a Proactiv commercial). Lemon juice is a great alternative to obliterate those malign marks; it is cheap, effective, and saturated with Vitamin C, an important antioxidant that the epidermis adores. Apply a dime sized amount to the blemish every day, twice a day. In two weeks, the blemish should be diminished if not completely vanished.

4. Forget prescription eyelash growers or even fake lashes, with two over-the-counter products that have a range of uses, long and alluring lashes will be yours. Vaseline, or petroleum jelly, along with olive oil not only lengthen lashes, but darken them as well! Use a quarter sized amount of Vaseline and apply it to both eyes lids, mostly focusing along the eyelash roots. Spread a dime sized amount of olive oil on both lids around the same area. Engage in this beauty trick over night, as that is the most effective time for results.

5. For a soft and subtle face, exfoliate. Sugar and salt are a duo for skin success. Mix three tablespoons of sugar one tablespoon of salt into a bowl. Apply with warm water and rub very gently onto skin. Pat your cheeks, chin, and forehead dry with a towel and enjoy your satin skin!

6. For a brilliant smile, strawberries and baking soda do the job. Mash three strawberries in a bowl and add two teaspoons of baking soda. Use a toothbrush and scrub your pearly whites. Finish with brushing your teeth with normal toothpaste, then floss. Only do this a maximum of twice a month to prevent enamel degradation.

7. For an effortless, pore-less finish with or without makeup, use a cold compress (ice pack). Apply to any region of large pores and continue this throughout the day. Also, create a green tea infused ice cube. Make a delicious cup of green tea and drink some, of course! Then use the excess and pour it into an ice cube tray. Wait a few hours and voila! Press the ice cubes to your face and the mixture of green tea and cold instantly closes pores.