Abuse Can be Anybody

By Paige Shellhammer

October 2018

Women getting abused, raped, and stalked is always addressed and talked about as a complication. No one talks about men going through the same thing. Most people do not know that 40% of domestic abuse cases involve violence of men from women. Most of these cases are toxic relationships that are verbally or physically abusive, sometimes even both. Due to the lack of awareness of this topic, there are not many programs dedicated to men in abusive situations and toxic relationships. If you or anyone you know are being abused or in a toxic environment, please tell them to reach out to someone. It is mentally destructive and can lead to even more dangerous outcomes. Men should never be told they can not have feelings and that it is cool to not care. Society preaches equality between men and women, but can make men feel they can not have the human characteristic of emotion. Whether you’re a woman or man, please reach out if you are getting physically or verbally abused. Do not stay in toxic relationships.