Get the Led Out

Post date: Feb 26, 2018 7:23:01 PM

By: Lily Fasching

Get the Led Out is a Led Zeppelin tribute band from Philadelphia. They have been dubbed by the media as the “American Led Zeppelin,” and rightfully so. At each show they perform a variety of Zeppelin songs from the folk, to the mystical, to the rock and are able to capture the sound of Zeppelin perfectly. The musicians are able to bring every detail of every Led Zeppelin song to their shows without missing a beat. The members of GTLO are passionate about Led Zeppelin's music, and it shows. Beginning as fans of the music themselves, they bring the music to life on stage through the talent that they have in the members. All of this adds up to a unique event; one that can only be experienced with a band that is passionate about the music that they are playing.