
By Callie Hayman '22

November 2018

On Friday, June 22nd, the 2017-18 Spanish class disembarked for España. The plane ride was about 12 hours and 25 minutes with a layover in Frankfurt, Germany. We stayed in Málaga and Madrid. During the trip we visited La Alhambra, Charles V Palace, GeneralLife Gardens, Museo Picasso, other museums, the beach, los cuevas (caves) de Nerja, many Cathedrals and the Royal Palace. We went to downtown Málaga, Granada, Toledo, Nerja near Costa del Sol, and Madrid. We had an education class for 5 days with EF tours. We learned about art, cooking, daily life, Flamenco, and we visited a school. During our art class we went out and asked locals about Pablo Picasso. We went to an art workshop and engraved a metal sheet, which was later filled with paint and copied to a piece of paper. During our cooking class, we toured the town and collected café names and prices of their foods. Later that day we went to a cooking class. We cooked paella and tortilla española (eggs and potatoes). During the daily life class we talked with locals and learned how they live and what they do. We toured the local market and talked to some locals and learned their stories. That night we went to a local home for dinner. We tried foods we never tried before including berenjenas con miel (eggplant with honey). We visited a sports school one day and got to meet some of the kids. We played fútbol with them, and other games. During our last class we learned about different dance styles. We learned flamenco that night at dinner. We took an AVE train to Madrid. In Madrid we visited museums and the Royal Palace. The Palace contains 3,418 rooms and sits on 135,000 square meters of floor space. We had an amazing time, and I am glad that I took a chance to see another country. We arrived home on July 2nd. If you ever get the chance, take it, because you never know when you would have another opportunity like this.

If you would like to go on a trip to the Dominican Republic next year, please see Ms. Bueti.