Strange Fiction Movies

Strange Fiction Movies

By Lily McDonough '21

March 2019

Have you ever felt like you were living the same day over again everyday? Well, in movies such as Groundhog Day, Stranger than Fiction and The Truman Show, the protagonists have a sense of living the same day everyday. Groundhog Day is about a news reporter named Phil Connors that goes to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to report on Groundhog Day. Phil goes to the celebration but is very sarcastic and acts this way towards his co-workers Rita and Larry. They arrive the day before the celebration, so they decide to just stay the night. But Phil, being sarcastic, decides to go to a different hotel. At the end of the day, Phil goes to bed and wakes up to the same music playing, and the same announcements over the radio. As everyday goes by, Phil wakes up replaying the same day and changes how he acts towards people. Stranger than Fiction is about a guy named Harold Crick (Will Ferrell) that lives his life the same everyday. Harold counts his brush strokes, ties his tie a specific way and walks on all the white bricks on the cross walk on his way to the bus. One day that changed when Harold was doing all these things, and a female narrator starts to describe his actions. Little did Harold know that his author was a real person writing a story with the main character as Harold Crick. Harold was living the writing of a book but never realized it. The thing about this author is that she is known for killing off her main characters. Harold falls in love which makes the audience fall for the movie just a little more. Does the author kill off Harold? This question can be answered by watching the movie, which I enjoyed the movie myself. The Truman Show is about a guy named Truman Burbank living in a small town. Truman had a wife, and a job (which he did not like) but his past haunted him sometimes. Truman was afraid of the water because he had lost his father to the ocean when he was little. What Truman does not know is that he is actually living in a dome created by the creator of the show, Christof. Truman was put in the dome since he was a little baby so he does not realize that he is actually living in his own world. When he is older, he falls in love with a girl named Lauren who tells him that not everything is as it seems. She gets kicked off the show, and he is left with the idea that she moved to Fiji. In the end, I really enjoyed the movies and I would recommend them.