El Día de Los Muertos

By Lily McDonough '21

November 2018

Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday to remember family members who have passed away. It takes place from Wednesday, October 31st to Friday, November 2nd every year. People celebrate and honor their loved ones who passed by making an ofrenda. An ofrenda is an area of offerings including food to their passed loved ones. A cloth, papel picado, and flowers are also put onto the ofrenda. The meaning of the traditional flower means the fugacity of life; it is called a cempasuchil or in English the marigold. Some people also may add water and/or salt to an ofrenda. Some of the foods that people include are Pan de Muerto, hot chocolate, tamales, dried fruit and red rice. When food is put on the ofrenda, it can not be eaten. People also may include pictures of their past ancestors.