
By Callie Hayman

In the dark I hide alone,

With no owner to call me home.

I wish someone would claim me,

So then could all finally see.

They could see that I’m not cruel,

They could see that I’m not evil,

They could see that I mean well,

They could see that I want to do good.

In the light I am seen,

An owner stands tall, he is not mean.

He walks beside me, with a smile,

He always talks to me for a while.

We talk about the happy times,

We talk about the sad times,

We talk about the future,

We talk about the past.

He asks me all these questions,

No response,

He asks them again,

I don’t answer him.

No one sees me in the dark,

Everyone sees me in the afterglow,

I can’t put up a fight,

Because I am a just shadow.