Getting to Know Mr. Williams

Post date: Apr 14, 2015 10:07:40 PM

By: Breanna Hoffner and Lily Fasching

Mr. Williams teaches Biology and Chemistry here at the high school. He became interested in the two subjects in high school and was really good in science classes.

When asked what got him interested in being a teacher, Mr. Williams replied:

“Being able to work with kids, especially kids from the community I grew up in.”

Mr. Williams coaches wrestling, and explained that he wrestled in high school and college and wanted to continue to be a part of the sport.

He attended Ursinus College, and has a double major in Biology and Philosophy. He decided to teach at a high school level because of the maturity of the students, and because he can relate better with the kids.

He stated that the funniest moment he has had while teaching was when he had a kid making faces outside the door, and without him knowing, he got up and slammed the door in the kids face.