
Worldwide Webmaster entrepreneurs

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade

Language Arts, Social Studies 

DLIS 1.6 Creative Communicator


Our fifth graders were worldwide webmaster entrepreneurs as they developed their own businesses and websites.  One group started state tourism offices with webpages advertising their chosen states. Another group of ELL students (English Language Learners)  created their own restaurants with online menus and invited their classmates to order meals. Both groups were champion communicators!

This project gave students real-world experience in communication while reinforcing the curriculum.  They not only built their own webpages, but they also compiled their own research (English SOL 5.9) and used persuasive language (English SOL 5.7).  The state tourism officials learned more about the states (5th grade History SOLs), and our restaurant managers gained confidence in speaking English while reviewing math skills as they calculated the bills of their patrons (Math SOL 5.5b).

What the students like about this experience:

Kateryn - My favorite part of the activity was when my class came to my restaurant and we served them from our menus. The hardest part was when we had to write the menu because I’m still learning English.

Sindy - I learned that working at a restaurant is hard because you have to take their orders and spell the words right. It helped me be #lifeready because my dad works in a restaurant and I want to work in a restaurant one day.

Ozzie - I learned how to make a website where it’s actually good-looking, and it has valuable information for people who don’t know a lot about Florida.  I am #lifeready because I want to be a house flipper and now I know how to make a website for my business.

Abby - My favorite part about this project was looking up research about Utah.  I learned a lot of information that I thought I knew, but I really didn’t. One of the challenges was how to put the information in my own words and make the slides creative. 

What the teachers like about this experience: 

Ms. Broccoli - This was a great way for my English learners to learn food vocabulary and restaurant language in an authentic way.  We had a great time and it was an awesome opportunity.

Ms. Middleton - It  was a really effective way to incorporate cross-curricular learning and provide students with some choice in the state that they researched. They were very motivated by this activity.

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS


Ms. Middleton - state websites


Ms. Broccoli - restaurant websites

Our restaurant managers

Waiting for customers

Taking orders from classmates

Ready to practice English

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: