
Our Augmented REality Solar system

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

4th Grade - Science

DLIS - Creative Communicator

Learning EXPERIenCE

The students showed their creativity skills by researching planets, creating scripts, completing green screen videos, making paper mache model planets, and linking all pieces together using Halo Augmented Reality app. 

What the student like about this experience: 

"I liked working with other people and being creative to create planets and final project. "

What the teacher liked about this experience: 

"I try incorporating as many “C’s” into projects as possible. This project leaned heavily on Communicator and Collaborator since working on projects in a group setting is hard for all students. You really must build trust within your team to complete all tasks and this project had many. This project also required critical and creative thinking to by making a model of the planet then using the researched information to create a green screen video and share that information in an augmented reality format. The students were eager to arise to the task and were very successful."

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: