

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

English 12 Honors

DLIS: Creative Communicator

Learning EXPERIenCE

Through this project, students learned more about themselves and about their community through the stories they captured and shared. After collecting stories, students had to decide which story to share and how to present that story to others, but students were also the audience for the stories of others. Playing this dual role helped students further examine aspects of communication and relate their experience to other, more formal stories they studied in their English class. Students also built a larger sense of community (and by extension, global citizenship) by learning from the stories that others shared. Many of these stories opened the student audience to experiences and cultures that were new and different from their own. Sharing these stories with the larger student body provided a genuine audience and expanded that sense of community to the school as a whole.

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

This assignment helped us to have important conversations we probably wouldn’t have otherwise have and to gain new, different, and deeper perspectives about people in our lives and to realize people might have more to offer than you initially thought. It also helped us to get better at conversation, as we learned skills about asking effective follow-up questions, prompting, and generally learning how to keep a conversation flowing. We also had to figure out the best way to use various technologies to create our final project: we had to edit our recordings to focus and clarify the theme of the interview; we had to make a poster that would suggest something about the interview; and we had to embed QR codes so that others could easily access the audio files.

What the teacher(s) like about this experience:

I really enjoyed hearing the students feedback after they completed their initial interviews. It seemed like across the board the kids, and interviewees, walked away with a positive memory. So, while I believe they learned good communication skills, it’s nice to know that they were able to have meaningful conversations with people they care deeply about. I think that’s something everybody can value at any point in their life, so seeing them find value in that during High School is an exciting thing to be a part of.

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

The Influence of Music

Paige Nelson

Audio Recording

Growing Up Godwin

Jamie Wright

Audio Recording


Sidonia Cosme

Audio Recording

Questions Never Asked

Robert Chapman

Audio Recording

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: