fair oaks

The Fair Oaks folks

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

3rd Grade - Math 

DLIS - Creative Communicator

DLIS - Innovative Designer

Learning EXPERIenCE

Fair Oaks welcomes many new students throughout the school year. 3rd Grade students used nonstandard units of measurement to measure a map of the school and then created a model of the school to be used to show our new students around the building. Models were made out of recyclables and in Minecraft. 

What the student(s) like about this experience:

"I liked being able to work with some other people that I don't normally get to work with. We worked really well as a team. We each took different parts of the school to work on and were able to help each other when needed."

What the teacher like about this experience:

"In watching the Minecraft kids, I loved watching them work together and collaborate. We started out with literally a blank grassy field, and it is hard to imagine a giant school being built from that. What ended up happening was I witnessed the kids struggle together and learn together, while (mostly) figuring out their problems with minimal bickering. That really impressed me, as this project might have been the best group work I have seen from the students. Going off that point, I also thought they did a great job communicating with one another. They ended up assigning jobs everyday for each kid to work on (for example, X worked on room 304, Y and Z worked on the library, etc.) Again, I thought I would hear arguments such as “I want to work on the library” or “I don’t want to work on that room”, but for the most part, the students realized that in order to reach our goal, they would have to split up the work to get it done. One thing they added that I really loved was lights. I am a Minecraft amateur so I know the basics but nothing too fancy, and was blown away by how creative these students got. They used Redstone blocks and some sort of powder around the outside of the building to make working lights on the inside. I never would have thought of that on my own and was really proud that they came up with that idea together."

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Students created models of the school out of cardboard. 

Students used Minecraft to create a replica of Fair Oaks. 

Students collaborated to create a replica of Fair Oaks.

Students created a classroom at Fair Oaks In Minecraft. 

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: