
Trash or Fashion?

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

5th Grade - Art

DLIS - Creative Communicator


Students learned about how fashion trends change over time, and the impact that fast fashion has on our environment. They reflected on how their personal choices might contribute to our global society. Students then collaborated to design and create their own piece of new clothing using recycled materials. Students also connected with professionals to learn more about how fashion operates as an industry. 

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

"I liked that I got to be creative. I'm a creative person! It was like a free draw, but in a 3D way." - Jahlil S.

"I liked that I got to create something new out of old random things. I got to take the creation from my head and bring it into real life." - Serenity H.

"We learned a lot about teamwork and collaboration - also, practice makes perfect! Even though we didn't have much time, we were still able to make it work. You should never stop trying and go for your dreams. You can take inspiration from the world around you without copying it directly." - Kavon S. and Aaliyah B.

What the teacher(s) like about this experience: 

It has been a pleasure to work on the Henrico 21 project. I was honored when Ms. Fischer asked me to work with her and our 5th grade students. I am always excited to have "Art" included in any project for the county. It has been a great opportunity to incorporate important matters such as recycling and repurposing. The students were also able to collaborate with one another which has been an excellent way to encourage relationships, team building and community.  Our ILC, Ms. Fischer, has been outstanding and look forward to working with her again.  - Mrs. Holmes

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Trash or Fashion (5th Henrico 21 2022-2023)

Background information on fast fashion

Students planning and drafting their designs

Students collaborating to cut the base of a skirt and top from scrap paper

Students collaborating to create a helmet out of cardboard

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: