echo lake

Lights, Camera, Take Action!

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

3rd Grade - Science

DLIS - Creative Communicator

Learning EXPERIenCE

Students collaborated to write, film, and direct commercials to be shown on our school’s morning announcements to help our school community understand the importance of taking care of our natural resources. Students had the choice of what type of commercial they wanted to do which allowed their voice to be heard. Students also appreciated having a real audience, their schoolmates and our Echo Lake school community, to view their work. 

What the student(s) like about this experience: 

" I was able to work with my friends and make a video that will help my community be better."  - Abigail F. 

What the teacher(s) like about this experience: 

It was great seeing how the students collaborated to write their scripts initially but it was even better watching them make their commercials come to life. Each group put their own spin on what type of pollution they felt was most important to talk about. This was their first time using WeVideo, and I was so impressed seeing how easily they were able to create a commercial using it. I'm excited to use WeVideo in the future to continue to add choice to students learning.  - Meg S. 

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Recording pollution commercials

Using WeVideo to edit commercials

pro stuff.mp4

Water Pollution Commercial

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: