
JRT SEEDS of change

Henrico Learner Profile (HLP) Attributes & Skills

Class: English/ Language Arts

DLIS: Global Collaborator

Learning EXPERIenCE

Mr. Baumgartner received  money from a grant that challenged teachers to create learning experiences that address conflict in communities. His vision was to encourage students to identify conflicts that they noticed, to come up with an actionable solution, and to then implement that solution with a total budget of up to $200 dollars. Students needed to clearly identify and address a conflict in a grant proposal, create a budget to justify expenses, and then collaborate with peers to pull the project off. Projects required teamwork, communication skills with the school community and larger community, organization skills, time management, &c.


Students addressed conflicts related to mental health, disconnection between students in the school, disconnection between neighbors, lack of appreciation of teachers, environmental concerns, etc.


JRT Seeds of Change Website

What the students like about this experience:

"At Cookout Connect, we were able to bring together a group of like-minded people who saw a hole in our community that could have easily been fixed. We brought together about 50 or so people and made all of them food at our community clubhouse, fed them, and brought friends together that hadn't spoken to each other since middle school. We fixed a hole in our community using everyone's love language: food. Our cookout was faced with multiple challenges, especially with dietary inclusion, but we were able to account for everyone and had a cookout that everyone loved. 

Being #LifeReady to me as a learner means being prepared to take on any new challenge that life throws my way. It means being open to new ideas, experiences, and opportunities, having the confidence to take risks, putting myself out there, and growing. It also means having the necessary skills to succeed in any situation, like critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication. Being #LifeReady to me also means having the self-awareness to recognize when I need help or guidance. It means taking time to reflect on my successes and failures so that I can learn from them and become an even better learner. Life is a journey and being #LifeReady means that I am prepared to take it on with enthusiasm and determination. "

What the teacher likes about this experience: 

Mr. Baumgartner was immensely pleased with how dedicated and creative the students were in interfacing with the world beyond the four walls of the traditional classroom. These students will be the ones to create the change we need in the world.

Additional Pictures/Media/ARTIFACTS

Teach about Recycling

Education for Everyone

Clothing for the Homeless

Self Created Representation

Thank you to the innovators that helped make this experience possible: